Enjoy !
From the Editor
was thinking about how quickly the holiday season came and went this year and now how quickly winter is passing . With the kind of weather we have been having ; it doesn ’ t really seem much like winter at all — just a chilly spring . J . Chris Mickartz I ’ m pretty sure I could count the times I ’ ve felt it necessary to wear a jacket on two hands . But enough about the weather and the passing of time .
We hope you enjoy this , our third issue of Morgan Hill Today . We ’ re still in a bit of a learning curve , trying to adjust our publishing dates to accommodate the important happenings in Morgan Hill . But I ’ m sure that once we get an entire year under our belts , we will be able to adhere to a consistent timeline . Until then , thanks for bearing with us .
I want to thank Gene Beley for his wonderful comments on retirement . Those of you who have lived in Morgan Hill for some time will remember the Country
News , a free tabloid size community newspaper that Gene published from 1989 to 2005 . After selling Country News , he began his transition to Stockton for his retirement years . I think you will find his article both interesting and insightful .
No one can say that Morgan Hill isn ’ t an active community . We ’ ve been very busy attempting to cover as many events as possible for the Community Happenings section . Actually , that ’ s why we held up this issue of Morgan Hill Today — so we could include the Morgan Hill Chamber ’ s Celebrate Morgan Hill Awards night and all the amazing recipients of this year ’ s awards . This year ’ s Man Of The Year , John Tarvin and his lovely wife , Linda shared with us their story . We think you will enjoy their adventures and triumphs . What amazing assets to the community . We applaud all the recipients and look forward to getting to know each of them better in the years ahead .
Speaking of assets , we so enjoyed attending the Morgan Hill Granada Preservation Society ’ s fundraiser on January 15th . It ’ s always a treat to see people working to save a community treasure . It ’ s an exciting time for the theater and the Society ’ s plans for it sound awesome . Our writer , Robin Shepherd did an excellent job of capturing the essence of the theater , both yesterday and today . See pages 46-28 .
I would be remiss if I didn ’ t thank Marty Cheek , Morgan Hill Life for providing us with the photos and information about Leadership Morgan Hill . It ’ s an amazing nine-month program that gives individuals the tools they need to become leaders within the community .
We have received a good number of requests from businesses wanting to distribute Morgan Hill Today and we are thrilled . The reception has been great and we look forward to the magazine ’ s future growth , both in number of pages and in locations where they can be found . We post a list of current distribution points on our website , where you may also view past issues , comment on any part of the magazine and see additional photos .
M O R G A N H I L L T O D A Y W I N T E R 2 0 1 4
Enjoy !
Morgan Hill
PUBLISHED BY InfoPOWER Communications 7446 Rosanna Street / Gilroy , CA 95020 Telephone : 408.848.6540 Email : jchris @ morganhilltoday . net
Teri Nelson Rosy Bergin Lorraine Welk Laura Lundy Marilyn Librers
Larry J . Mickartz Kelly Barbazette Robin Shepherd
Sherry Hemingway Christine Giusiana John Horner Laura Perry Jennifer Tate
J . Chris Mickartz Laura Wrede Stephanie Vegh
PHOTOGRAPHY Larry J . Mickartz
PROOFING Susan Patereau Kelly Barbazette
CONTRIBUTORS Aging Dorie U . Sugay Finance Daniel T . Newquist The Law Craig van Keulen Real Estate Teri Nelson Mortgage Banking Jenny Boffy / Laura Lundy Home Improvement David Domenichini Gardening Debbie Barncord Insurance Carl C . Schindler
ADVERTISING Deb Porter , Advertising Representative email ads @ morganhilltoday . net for ad placement , information , and availability
DISTRIBUTION Edgar Zaldana , Distribution Manager
COMMUNITY EVENTS & INFORMATION Submit for free inclusion , space permitting .
© Copyright 2014 . All rights reserved . No part , either editorial or display advertising , may be reproduced without written
morganhilltoday . net