Morgan Hill Today 2014 12 Winter | Página 17

VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR , PHIL COUCHEE with Julie Alter , wife Kim , Steve Lucchetti , and children , Tami , Tina and Rob Couchee
Lorraine Welk was recognized for her years of service to the community , as a member of the Chamber Board of Directors
Katherine Toch and Kelly Ramirez
Janie & Roger Knopf
Brian & Kathy Sullivan , Steve Betano and Bill & Mary Hiland
Peggy Woolf , Vivian Varela , Lou Mirvuss and Teresa Kiernan
Mario Banuelos , Fawn Myers with Rick & Sue Baynes
Martha Kritt , Pamela Gallo and Rabbi Debbie Israel
Lori McIntosh , Bill Haskell and Kathy Katusha
Robert & Julie Barraza ( Party Outlet ) with Chamber President , Rich Firato
W I N T E R 2 0 1 4 M O R G A N H I L L T O D A Y