While the long term future of Morgan Hill ’ s Granada Theater is up in the air depending upon the plans of whoever purchases the property , for the rest of 2014 at least it is once again going to be a happening place . A group of over 160 volunteers operating as the Granada Preservation Society worked tirelessly for months to bring the theater into compliance with health codes in preparation for the July 2014 re-opening .
The Granada in the heart of Downtown Morgan Hill is now a venue not only for movies you can ’ t see on any other big screen , but also for special events , cultural happenings and more . Downtown Morgan Hill has become a great place to go with family and friends for food , beverages , entertainment and camaraderie . Once upon a time the Granada was a lynchpin in the downtown entertainment scene , and now it is again . For information , show times and ticket purchases check out morganhillgranada . com .
Friday Night Music
Join us from 6 - 9 pm at the Downtown Amphitheater at the corner of Dunne and Monterey to have a good time .
August 8th August 15th August 22nd August 29th
Usual Suspects Entourage Super Bad Sage
For more information about community events , visit our Facebook page : facebook . com / morganhillpresents
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