Compensation is not 100 % disabled , the need for aid and attendance might possibly allow for that increase in rating and the additional assistance for aid and attendance on top of that . Most veterans receiving Compensation don ’ t have a clue as to their eligibility for this special benefit . Also , an aid and attendance assistance allowance is available due to the need for services to a disabled spouse of a veteran where the veteran is 30 % or more disabled .
Of particular note for Disability compensation are Agent Orange claims for each and every veteran who was stationed in Vietnam and who has developed presumptive health conditions such as certain forms of cancer , type II diabetes , ischemic heart disease ( lack of proper blood flow to the heart ) and Parkinson ’ s disease . Veterans with service-connected hearing loss can also make claims and receive free hearing aids . This hearing disability rating will also get them into the health care system .
Health Care Benefits The VA health care system is the largest single provider of health care in the United States . It has also been recognized by numerous surveys as being one of the best providers of health care as well . Not all veterans can receive care in the system . Eligibility requires either service-connected disability , receipt of Pension , special service recognition such as prisoner of war or Purple Heart or low income and less than $ 80,000 in assets . For all beneficiaries – not to include those who are means tested – all services are free and medications are $ 8 per month per medication regardless of what it is . Means tested veterans have a copay for services . There are no other out-ofpocket costs such as health care premiums . Help can also be provided with disabilityrequired home renovation grants of $ 2,000 or $ 6,800 , orthotics , prosthetics , and in certain cases , hearing aids . VA outpatient clinics are available in most communities . Approximately 8,400,000 individuals are enrolled in the health care system .
Dependents Indemnity Compensation Dependents Indemnity Compensation ( DIC ) - is payable to eligible survivors of a military service member who died on active duty or whose death after service resulted from a service-connected injury or disease . It is also available due to improper treatment of the deceased veteran from VA healthcare or rehabilitation services . DIC is automatically granted to a surviving spouse for a veteran who was permanently and totally disabled for 10 years or more . DIC is said to have paid up to $ 1,215 a month in 2013 to a surviving spouse . Additional amounts are available if there are dependent children . A dependent child is one who is 18 years old or younger or 23 years old or younger and enrolled full-time in school or is an adult who became totally dependent prior to the age of 18 . If the surviving spouse needs the aid and attendance of another person such as home care , assisted living or nursing home care , an additional monetary assistance is provided .
Burial Benefits Money is available for burial costs for veterans who were service disabled , receiving Pension or died under VA care . If the death was a result of serviceconnected disability , $ 2,000 is available . If the death was non-service related , and the veteran was receiving Pension or Compensation or was entitled to either of these , up to $ 700 is available for plot allowance and burial and funeral expenses . All veterans also receive free burial in State and Federal VA cemeteries . Under certain conditions , spouses and other family members can receive free burial in State and Federal VA cemeteries . All veterans are eligible for a grave marker ( or equivalent monetary allowance ), a flag for the coffin , a graveside honor guard , and a letter from the President of the United States . Approximately 60,000 veterans received burial allowance in 2013 and about 33,000 received a burial plot . The VA expected about 18,000 service- connected deaths in 2013 and claims for about 350,000 grave markers . About 500,000 flags were given out for burial .
State Veteran Benefits
All states offer various additional benefits to veterans to include special recognition , property tax reduction , free hunting and fishing and state parks admission , as well as a whole host of other benefits . Some states are more generous than others and in some states , veterans can receive a one-time cash stipend . All states have at least one or more Veterans ’ homes that are available to various classes of veterans depending on the rules of the home .
Some homes require the veteran to have been a war veteran and others do not . Federal rules require that at least 25 % of all beds in state Veterans homes be reserved for the spouses of veterans if those beds are available .
There IS help ! Many Veterans in this area do not realize , for example , that they can get assistance from the VA when they need home health care . The budget cuts may have affected some of these benefits that were intended to assist our veterans , but there IS help . Visiting Angels has been working with the VA . Our experience has been encouraging – the people who work with the Veterans on home health care truly care , and see to it that our Vets get whatever assistance is available . For home health care funding assistance , see your VA Primary Physician and for a home healthcare consult – he / she can get the wheels turning . ( Physicians outside the VA system cannot get the process started ).
For more information , NCPC has two books : “ How to Apply for Department of Veterans Benefits for Seniors and Their Survivors ” and “ The 4 Steps of Long Term Care Planning .” LTC Benefits for Veterans is free at VeteransBenefitsNow . com . The va . gov website has a lot of information as well . There are also agencies who can help you navigate through the VA system . Our first-hand experience working with the VA is that the process to apply for home health care funding seems simpler than one would expect .
There IS help … check it out !
“ How to Apply for Department of Veterans Affairs Benefits for Seniors and Their Survivors ” ( NCPC ) www . seniorvets . org VeteransBenefitsNow . com
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