Morgan Hill Community Happenings
Our readers are so fortunate to live in a community with so much heart , where there never seems to be a shortage of places to go , people to see , and organizations to support .
As you will see in the following pages , these past few months have provided an abundance of all of the above . Morgan Hill Today is happy to include as many of these wonderful events and activities , as space allows . We encourage community organizations and businesses to let us know about their efforts to support the community .
We thank them for continuing to make Morgan Hill a wonderful place to live and raise a family .
Spring Community Programs
This spring , the Morgan Hill Rotary Club :
• gave beautiful hardbound dictionaries to every third grader in Morgan Hill as recognition of outstanding elementary students ;
• celebrated our senior citizens with a special day for over 300 seniors who enjoyed fun , entertainment and a delicious meal hosted by dozens of Rotarians ; and
• 16 Rotarians and one Interactor ( high school student member of Rotary ) planted 25 Oak trees for the City of Morgan Hill .
The Rotary Club of Morgan Hill has served the Morgan Hill community for more than 55 years . They devote substantial time and effort in creating a healthier community through services for youth , community groups , seniors and a variety of community and international projects . As a result , they are fostering ties between Morgan Hill and the world .
Photos provided by Morgan Hill Rotary
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