One of many events held throughout the year in the lovely backyard of Mary and Mike Cox .
creativity , and connections ” of the Cox network , according to 2012 Chair Linda Withrow . The Chiala family donated their estate as the venue , and provided fruits and vegetables . Mike , the consummate “ lead volunteer cook ” was joined by a small army of similar-minded friends and enlisted 14 of his staff members to work the event . Mike quietly baked homemade bread and cooked meat for 300 people .
Beyond his flair in a kitchen , Mike Cox is an inventor and microbiologist of national and international stature . He is President and CEO of Anaerobe Systems in Morgan Hill , which designs and manufactures medical diagnostic products to collect , cultivate and identify anaerobic bacteria . His company internship program of 30 years has mentored over 120 students , who work under Mike ’ s tutelage for three months to three years before going out in the world .
Mary Cox is laboratory manager at VA Palo Alto Health Care System , tackles the major commute , and is still ready to welcome guests .
The two married 41 years ago , spent seven years putting each other through college , built Anaerobe System together , brought the company to Morgan Hill in 1996 , moved to Morgan Hill in 2000 , and now with their two children grown have turned their enthusiasm and energy toward their community . They are major contributors , serve on many boards and committees , and fill a need when they see it .
“ Morgan Hill is a smart , friendly and progressive community ,” said Mary . “ It is a good place to be .”
For their extraordinary work , the Morgan Hill Chamber of Commerce honored the couple as 2008 Man and Woman of the Year .
This month , on July 27 at Guglielmo Winery , Leadership Morgan Hill will bestow the 2013 Leadership Excellence Award on Mike at a tribute event similar to the one he worked so tirelessly to support last year . One condition : He ’ s not allowed to cook .
If it can be said that Mike and Mary keep their entertaining simple , their secret formula is their marinade base , which is adjusted ever so slightly for beef , lamb , duck or Cornish hens .
Mike cooks entrées in his outdoor clay bake oven , usually choosing filet mignon , salmon , paella , risotto , gourmet pizzas , or duck taquitos with hoisin sauce . Mary , “ The Timekeeper ,” takes on appetizers , vegetables , flowers , tables , and linens . Both never stop smiling .
“ We always do the same meal , filet mignon and salmon ,” says Mike with a twinkle in his eye , “ but I do change the people .”
Visit our website : morganhilltoday . net for additional photos and recipes for building community with beef , lamb , duck or Cornish Game hens using Mike & Mary ’ s Marinade .
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