2015 Ekeni Abakah
Welcome one and all
of you.
My name is Ekeni
Abakah. I am currently a
student residing in
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
USA. This magazine you
are currently reading is a
culmination of months of
ogling at the works of
other car people, followed
by finally working on my
own stuff. As a senior in
high school, many
schools require a final
project to be
completed. This right
here is what I chose to do
for my project. Just like
every teen, I chose to
review cars, and then
create an electronic
magazine with what I
learned and experienced.
Wait, “just like every
teen?” Which teen likes
cars? There’s not too
many of us. But as I
have learned from
Carthrottle.com, and
other places, there are
some who indeed
do. That’s one thing I
have learned over the
past few months. But I
This magazine idea came
around due to another
electronic magazine I
learned about called The
Supercar Kids. I
discovered the
publication thanks to the
Facebook page of
YouTuber Shmee150 (go
check him out!). After
spending countless hours
reading whatever got
posted there, it somehow
came to me that I should
do a magazine for my
senior project. So I
did. At first I had no clue
where to start. After all,
it’s not like I (or most
people) have attempted
something like this
before. But I have
connections. And
friends. So it became
easier. And I have had a
lot of fun with this. If only
I had that much fun with
the research paper…
In this magazine, you the reader - will read
about my experiences
going to two auto shows,
meeting numerous car
owners, and reviewing
different cars. Some of
the works required a lot
of traveling. Others
didn’t. But they all
required some of the
same things: an open
mind, motivation, and
happiness. If you have
anything to say about this
magazine, my ears are
open. You can find me
on Twitter (@40EA),
Google+, and elsewhere,
if you look hard
enough. Let me know
what you think.
I hope you have fun
reading this.