Then, they went to France by plane. When they were in the city, they asked a guy named Philippe where the best bread was and Philippe answered: “You can get the best bread of the world in my house” “Really?” asked Brian. “Yes, mon ami”, answered Philippe. Philippe gave them the bread and he followed them to Argentina to buy the sausages. They went to Argentina by boat. When they were at Pablo’s farm, they said: “hello Mr…. Pablo we need some sausages.” ¨Well, if you want salchichas, this is the right place”, Pablo said. “I have sausages, but the best cheese is in the Netherlands. I can go with you”, said Pablo.
Pablo gave them the sausages and they travelled to the Netherlands by train to buy cheese. On their way, they bought the finest ketchup in the world. Then, they went to the finest market in the world and bought some delicious cheese. Once they had all the ingredients, they went back home and prepared the best hamburger in the world!