Moose and Caribou Catalog 2021 | Page 32

Located in south-central Alaska , this outfitter really does it right . Lots of bushplanes in the air , great guides , packers , etc . Can ’ t recommend this outfitter highly enough . They simply do a fabulous job . If you want a great Alaskan hunt , you can ’ t do any better . Outfitter consistently takes some of the best moose anywhere in Alaska . All bush flights , and transporation from Anchorage is included .
10 Day 1x1 Trophy Moose Hunt $ 31,000 Add caribou on a trophy fee basis of $ 2500 , Black Bear for $ 1500 , Grizzly Bear for $ 6000 7 Day 1x1 Caribou Hunt $ 16,000 , 2x1 $ 10,500 Unguided , fully outfitted caribou hunt $ 6500

Alaska Trophy Moose or Caribou Hunt # 12

Located in south-central Alaska , this outfitter really does it right . Lots of bushplanes in the air , great guides , packers , etc . Can ’ t recommend this outfitter highly enough . They simply do a fabulous job . If you want a great Alaskan hunt , you can ’ t do any better . Outfitter consistently takes some of the best moose anywhere in Alaska . All bush flights , and transporation from Anchorage is included .

10 Day 1x1 Trophy Moose Hunt $ 31,000 Add caribou on a trophy fee basis of $ 2500 , Black Bear for $ 1500 , Grizzly Bear for $ 6000 7 Day 1x1 Caribou Hunt $ 16,000 , 2x1 $ 10,500 Unguided , fully outfitted caribou hunt $ 6500

( 406 ) 375-8400 www . shoshonewilderness . com