Moor Beer Book. Moor Beer Book | Page 14

14 Session Pales MoorBeer_BrandBook_2016_04.indd 14 KEG y, Zingy, citr us ing palate cleans sw eet h pale ales wit rfectly pale mal t pe in balance I AV A I L A B AP R ABV 4.1% CASK CANS P a le A le s 330ML Zingy, ci pale al trusy, palat e-clean es with sing pale m l alt per ovely, sweet fe One co uld dr ctly in balan ink th (and I em all ce. often d day o!) Chr is Agnew , H a re o n th e Hill OF BEER ST YLE U lt r a LIT Y MAY JU N JA N FE B MA R T NOV DEC OC P SE G AU JUL 23/10/2016 13:54