Moonrise 13Moon Digital Magazine Volume 2, Number 1 - Spring Equinox | Page 6

notintrospection so random Soul Cleansing well, feeling skittish and off-balance. Even though it’s been said over and over again that we are not in control, Sometimes we take positions that we are called upon periodically to review. Because we haven’t completely learned the lesson per se, we keep being presented with new scenarios as tests. You can ignore all you want but it’s not going to magically go away. Just like you ask questions several different ways, life is like that, too. If you don’t get through the experience one way, you’re going to keep being presented the same life lesson, shaded with different hues, memories, but ultimately, you are the only one who can decide that you’re ready. Why keep wasting time? Instead, throw open the doors and windows and invite in the lessons you’ve been hiding from. Let them present their arguments. Going through the toxic brew of negative thoughts and emotions will take a while. You aren’t going to solve the world’s issues in one day; nor are you going to resolve all your inner conflict and turmoil in in self-to-self session. Start by setting aside at least 30 minutes once a week. Designate the time on your calendar for at least 8 weeks. It really isn’t a long time when you look at it – barely four hours out of your life! In search of SELF The winds of change blow loud and harsh and we turn the page headed into the early whispers of Spring. Winter was unusually abrupt this year and, while rough and tumble when it b