Moonrise 13Moon Digital Magazine Volume 2, Number 1 - Spring Equinox | Page 14
Continued from page 13 - Moon of Dark Shadows
If you’ve been repeatedly dealing with an issue, now is the time to look at
it from a completely new perspective and come up with a solution that,
to others, appears to be outside the box. Things may be out of phase, but
if you’re willing to keep going, you’ll be rewarded for the effort.
And because this moon rises in Pisces, there are a lot of deep, dark waters
churning about. Just like the fire walkers of India, the true student who is
interested in purging these past life wounds must make their way through
the treacherous and churning waters to emerge healed and re-birthed.
The waters swirl like angry vortices, the individual drops coalescing into
dancing maelstroms of creation energy. This energy, on its own, is not
enough to do anything more than wet everything around it.
Like the waters, let your thoughts swirl unrestricted. It’s important to use
this moon cycle to think outside the box open up to energies that at first
glance don’t seem that remarkable. The key principles to remember this
month are steadfastness and determination. You may not move through
the deep water quickly and you might find yourself a bit banged up as you
go about it.
Don’t give up. It may be difficutl to navigate the churning, dark spaces,
but growth requires us to meet with and integrate the darkness as well as
the light. My best advisce, if you keep being tossed aside by the spining
underwater vortex, come to the surface and breathe. It’s okay to stop
what you’re doing and regroup. You will never be penalized for taking
time out to examine alternatives.
If you keep at it, you will persevere. There are many entrances to the
lower and upper realms and the doorways appear in places which do not
seem to make sense in the traditional manner of thinking.
Stepping back allows for moments of clarity so new information can be
processed. Force will not bring you the answer and will not provide you
the way to navigate through the dark water. Only when you realize that
the more you work to force things to happen, the more resistant the
doorway between realms are.
If it is in your nature to struggle, then you will be fighting for every breath
and this cycle will find you engaged in a battle of survival as you are
plunged deeper and deeper into inky blackness. However, if you surrender
to the principle of highest and best, the waters will surround you in
a protective cocoon, shepherding you through the depths to emerge
victorious on the other side.
Once you realize brute strength will not work, your path will be easier.
Easier still will be when you finally surrender control. Only then will
you be allowed passage. Breathe and center your thoughts. Affirm your
intention to pass peacefully between realms.
Again, it’s a matter of taking in enough air for a deep dive and allowing
yourself to become one with the invisible tunnel. If given permission to
pass, you will seamlessly pierce the veil between realities. Stay within
the hollow tunnel as it undulates and moves you through space and time,
to emerge on the other end – refreshed, revived and purified.
Those who have been working with Spirit and the universal
connectedness, human light bodies are becoming increasingly sensitive
to the energies which are bombarding the planet. In order to become
consciously aligned and able to work through the frequent instabilities
evidenced through vibrational shifts, it is a choice that definitely has to
be made.
This moon cycle is asking you to stand in your strength. To call upon the
beneficial and beneficent entities and energies to help you effortlessly
move through the shimmering darkness and waves of illusion.
Having worked diligently to build up spiritual resources, this is the
appropriate time to fully embrace them. Accept and allow this healing
to occur. Let the darkness pour out of you and be swept away by the
headwaters as they rush over your physical body.
This healing is preparing the physical and emotional bodies for the work
of the next six months. Like being born again, the energies of this cycle
are about bringing you to a new state of awareness. This is not a time for
fear and disconnectedness.
Each person who has opened up to the new energies is being given the
opportunity to accept or deny this special blessing. Many are called, but
like most offerings, few will answer; fewer still will enter the deep water.
Definitely the time to revel in unorthodoxy. If you’ve always been on the
outside looking in, this month it may actually help you. You will work for
any gains, but in the end, it will be an well earned investment.
Continued on page 32
March 2016
Page 15