Moonrise 13Moon Digital Magazine Volume 1, Number 9 - October 13, 2015 | Page 31

MEET YOUR INTUITION Next, take a few minutes to honestly evaluate and analyze the situation at hand. For ease of use, use the acronym RALLY: RECOGNIZE the situation without emotion. Examine just the facts. ACKNOWLEDGE your role in creating the existing complicating issue. We all contribute, in one way or another, to our successes and our not so successful actions. LESSONS LEARNED requires you to contemplate the underlying issue. Dissect and examine the actions and consequences leading up to this moment. Ultimately, you should be able to determine the outcome of your experiences. And now what are YOU going to do about it? This is where your intuition should really drive it home for you. If you’ve been practicing, the answers you get should be almost loud enough to be “heard”. Finally, and most importantly, you’ve got to listen for the answers. Don’t judge the information you get. Accept it and move on. Don’t second guess or retreat into fear because you might not want to hear what your intuition wants you to know. Trust me, the more you know, the happier you will be in the long term because you’ll be calling the shots from a source of strength – not reacting and running out of fear and anxiety. We’ve all got it. We were all born with it, and it’s just another muscle group that needs to be exercised, watered and fed. When you find out how robust it actually is, it can keep you from going to pieces as you navigate the sensory overload that is everyday life. It can protect you from unsavory people and places and it can also potentially save your life. Treat your intuition like you do man’s best friend. You have to take it out (I suggest using it daily), or your intuitive abilities will atrophy. Ultimately, it’s up to you. Would you rather lurch from crisis to crisis with no clear direction and stability? Or, would you rather be confident in your decision making, propelling you to success and abundance? Speaking for myself, I’m picking confidence, success and abundance! Moonrise October 2015 Page 31