Moonrise 13Moon Digital Magazine Volume 1, Number 9 - October 13, 2015 | Page 29

good or bad. Karma, to my way of thinking is the sum of results. It’s continually being contributed to and so, ultimately Karma represents your ultimate character. Dharma, on the other hand, is more concrete. It looks at the truth of one’s existence – what makes up the essential core of your being. It is more concerned with what lessons you are learning in the here and now. Another way to look at it is to ask yourself, what is it that makes you authentic? How is authenticity represented in your life? And, for the sake of clarity, please know that there are any number of differing interpretations of these two terms, depending on one’s worldview. I’m not here to argue for or against one school of thought, but rather to let you make your own determination. I’m simply providing information. If you want to know more, there are many reputable sources to scour for in-depth information. If you haven’t already verbalized the fact – life as you knew it… has changed… substantially. The person you were is no more. The person you believed you were becoming is… well, pretty much a work in progress. The reason for the uncertainty is because you can spend a lifetime working to untangle the threads of your life and what you are really here to accomplish. When we first arrive, as babies in our parents’ arms, we know what we’re here to do, but due to the laws of nature… we quickly forget. As we grow up and mature, we move farther and farther away from our universal connection. And for some of us, one day we awaken with a new understanding that life as we thought we understood it, just doesn’t exist. In that awakening, there is a stirring within that causes us to go back to the beginning. To un-think everything we’ve been taught and open to a new way of being and living. We are forced – maybe that’s too strong a word – to examine our own truths. Oftentimes it requires us to deconstruct our memories, as well as imaginatively translate our dreams and thoughts. We have to go back to the building blocks and determine what makes intuitive sense. Once we begin finding hints, we can allow ourselves to be guided along as the journey proceeds forward. It’s only when we hesitate, lapse back into unproductive habits and practices, and/or succumb to fear that we find ourselves trapped. If we stick to the path set out and begin living and experiencing the lessons, we uncover more clues and new pathways that connect the past (karma) to our present (dharma). Want to know the truth? In a nutshell, the answer is different for everyone. The question can be asked a million ways and you will find a million answers. It’s a private journey. The landscape may look the same, but the paths we take from here to there will differ in complexity, length, endurance and the list goes on and on. It’s really about determining whether or not we have responded to the accumulation of karma and whether the truth of our present lives (dharma) is representative of who we truly are – from the inside out. Be authentic! Moonrise October 2015 Page 29