Moonrise 13Moon Digital Magazine Volume 1, Number 9 - October 13, 2015 | Page 2

M There’s Power in the OONRISE! It’s been nice to know that change is in the air. It’s also been nice to know that we’ve been through the muckiest part of the year and now it’s all about starting to plan for what’s next. Eclipses and retrogrades can play tricks and keep us from fully concentrating on what we’ve already planned for. The good thing is that we’ve still got some very good friendly energy to ease us out of summer and into fall. With the change fo season, we’ve also got to start taking stock of the harvest (what’s worked well and what we need to think about improving on for next year). It’s also nice to know that this is the perfet time to take a really, really deep breath. Breathe in the fresh, crisp air and take it all the way into your body. It’s refreshing; invigorating and a taste of things to come. Note to self - remember to always focus on the positive - even when we might be faced with several feet of snow in the not too distant future! Thus far, 2015 - as an “8” year - has really been about abundance. It’s been showing up in all kinds of ways. I’ve been meeting people who suddenly show up - just when I’ve been ready to do something new or made it to a decision point. We’re talking plenty of synchronicities at work. My guides have been extra busy and pushing me out of my comfort zone. I guess they don’t want me to get too comfortable. I’m also learning how to really step outside of myself in a new and bigger way. My guides have also been showing me that it is really important to show up - even in those situations where I wouldn’t necessarily be comfortable. It’s important for me to remember, and it’s a great reminder to all that it’s not always about me (us). It’s about showing up and sharing gifts. We have a lot to learn from each other. Just because I’ve been doing this a bit longer doesn’t mean I’m not a student myself. It just means that my lessons are a bit more intense. I’ve had to learn the same things that some of you are experiencing. There have been successes and there have been some not so successful false starts. I wouldn’t change a thing because it’s what “brung me to the dance” as they say. Blessings! Cheryl