Moonrise 13Moon Digital Magazine Volume 1, Number 9 - October 13, 2015 | Page 13

The shift is underway. The eclipses are now at our backs, fading into memory, though they will continue to cast shadows on the landscape for a while yet. The wheel of life has moved forward to its new temporary location - just long enough for us to take stock of the harvest and prepare for what’s ahead. In light of the eclipses that are now in our rear window, the cosmic pot has been stirred and there are a lot of changes that have occurred and others that are still to come. When obstacles appear, it’s easy to allow distraction to divert attention away from what you want to accomplish. If one takes the time to think about it, you’d realize you’re constantly settling for “it is what it is” instead of achieving your heart’s desires. Maybe it’s time to take a look at your self-talk and get out of your own way. You can’t undo the struggles and frustrations of the past just by wishing them away. Trust me, if you didn’t figure that out from the cosmic Continued on next page Moonrise October 2015 Page 13