Moonrise 13Moon Digital Magazine Volume 1, Number 6 - July 15, 2015 | Page 6
the Stone Tribe: part 3
Now you’ve had an opportunity to
savor the first few weeks of true
summer. Followingt Solstice, the rain
and stormy weather has departed, for
the most part, replaced by searing
heat and long sultry days.
At the same time, the heat causes
tempers to flare and obstacles to pop
up when you least expect them. This
is the 3rd of 4 parts on crystals. I hope
you’ve taken some time to read up
more on the ones that interest you and
that this information has been helpful.
This month, we’ll look at a crystals
and stones with superpowers to
help you push through the molten
landscape and keep moving forward
on your journey path. They may be
a little more difficult to find (a good
stone that is), but they are well worth
having in your toolbox.
Prse Enterprises LLC
Our first superhero crystal is
Rhodocrosite. Think Pink and lots of
it. The Pink Avenger radiating powerful
waves of heart energy to help you heal
deep seated emotions. Soft and gentle,
it’s approach is nuanced and it will help
boost your self-confidence a little bit at
a time so you don’t get overwhelmed.
Smooth and nurturing, it’s energies
make this crystal good for balancing
the body. I beleive it should actually be
called the Joy stone as it makes your