Moonrise 13Moon Digital Magazine Volume 1, Number 10 - November 11, 2015 | Page 9

Step back from the precipice, things are not as dire as they may appear. Yes, there’s a challenge in front of you, but you’ve got wisdom, knowledge, and confidence with you. What’s important is to remember that these moments present themselves in order to shine light on and help us correct what could otherwise be perceived as weakness. Now that you are back in the moment, it’s time to RALLY and figure out an appropriate solution: R = RECOGNIZE what’s really going on, but focus on the facts – not emotion and blame. This is a simple way to get from A to B and then on to C, D and so on… A = ACKNOWLEDGE your role in what’s happened to this point. You really need to hold yourself accountable for your own actions… again, it’s not about blame; it’s about taking responsibility… LL = LESSONS LEARNED is an important part of growing in wisdom. Even when we least expect it, there’s always room to learn something new. So looking back and reflecting on your actions to date, what did you learn? If, after spending some time thinking about it, you don’t come up with something, it’s then apparent that you haven’t looked deep enough. You don’t have to go back to square one, but you definitely have to really engage yourself in the process. We’re human, so we’re always learning something. Y = Finally, what are YOU going to do with the knowledge you’ve learned? This is kind of a where do we go from here, question. Basically, instead of retreating and curling up into the fetal position, this is probably the most empowering step because you get to plan what happens next. The moment allowed you to step back, refocus, clarify and begin to think and problem solve. That’s YOU – not someone else. You can count on your own counsel and start looking at new possibilities. Yes, it may be a little scary. And yes, it may take you a few tries before you are confidently able to right the ship on your own. It just comes down to remembering all the hard work you’ve already done. That’s why you have a tool box. Get familiar with the tools and practice with them so you’ll be ready if and when you need to use them. Moonrise November 2015 Page 9