MOONLIGHT - a Free to Read Children's Magazine moonlight SIMPLE | Page 15
carving a lion and also I do not like lions very much. Big-Ears asked how he was made.
The strange man began his story, “He first made wooden feet and wooden legs. Then
round body of wood, also arms and legs too! Then a wooden neck and round wooden
body.” Big-ears asked, “What are your eyes made up of?”
The li�le man told him that eyes were made up of blue beads and his hair made out of
bits of fur. Big-ears asked why he chose to run. The li�le man said,”I want to go some-
where where there are lots of people! I want to live with them.”
Big-Ears told him that he was going to Toyland. It is a place where all toys live together.
He told him that he would be welcomed there. The li�le man said sadly, “But I do not
know the way.”
Big-ears told him that he knew the way. The li�le man was very happy. Big-ears helped
him on his bicycle and told him to hold �ghtly. While riding the bicycle the poor li�le
man fell off a few �mes.
While riding Big-Ears asked the li�le man what was his name. He said, “I did not have
name!” Big-ears a�er a lot of thought said, “I think your name is NODDY” and “I think it
is” said Noddy happily.