Moon Into It! Vol. 2 Issue #2 | Page 12

Breaking the Chain and Living a PowerLife

Children are 100% emotional 100% of the time. If your parents are still alive

today, you will become very emotional about the things they say and do as well.

We were created with our emotional system and when utilized properly they can

be wonderful. As you know there are positive emotions and negative emotions.

Each has their own consequences and rewards.

Not having goals, no purpose, no dreams or passions in life is not a life and most certainly not a Powerlife. If your total existence at this point in your life has been one of getting up every day going to a job just for money to pay bills, a job you don’t really like, working for people who really don’t like you, you doing just enough that they can’t justly fire you, they’re paying you just enough that you don’t quit. If you are in a profession or career simply because it what your parents always wanted you to do or a counselor, teacher, best friend, etc. told you it was best for you, what a lowdown, trifling and unjust way to treat yourself, I say it’s time to break the chain and live a powerlife

It's up to us and us alone to break the chain of mediocrity, average a ordinary.

The chain of mediocrity must be broken. At some time, by someone this chain must be broke. Why not you and why not now?

In order to break the chain and start living the life we really want, a powerlife we first must change our thought patterns, our beliefs, and improve ourselves. There are five practical steps you need to practice daily to break this chain and set yourself free.

●Believe In Yourself.. It's not what others call you, it's what you answer to that gives you your identity. Believing in yourself is the most important thing you must do to accomplish anything in life.You must trust in your own ability.It is absolutely essential to guard and renew your mind, anywhere you intend to go in life your mind most go first.

Written by Edward Williams

It doesn’t matter where we’re from, or where we are right now,we all know someone no matter how hard they work or how many times they change jobs or careers they just can’t seem to break above that level of just getting by or unable to break the financial chain that is holding them captive and keep them from living their dreams.

They can’t seem to ever get ahead always in that cycle of the day to day, week to week, and month to month fight of staying just above drowning in the sea of debt, unhappiness, frustration and despair. If you are not living a life that is directed by purpose, driven by dreams, discipline with goals, and fueled by passion, you are not really living; it’s more of surviving an existence. Waking up everyday with no personal direction and spend years not knowing why you are here will lead to a frustrating and unhappy life. It's quite simple if you have nowhere to go, you are already there.

Do you like where you are right now? Do you know why you are here. We see those, who are living their lives in the same way their parents did. We see our young men who didn’t have a father in their lives, walk away from their own children. Teenage girls who were born to teenage mothers now having children of their own. We see generation after generation remain in the up and down roller coaster life of the generation before them. To many of us walk through this life as victims of someone else’s past. The good news is we don’t have to continue to live in this unfulfilling cycle. We have a choice.

Each and everyone of us are here for a purpose, and in our hearts we know this and desire to live that purpose. But, yet so many of us are not. Why, I believe it is because we never came into the the knowledge of who we really are. Keith Harrell a best selling author and speaker wrote " the two most important day of your life is the day you were born and the day you discover why you were born." We are all born for a particular purpose. Discovering that purpose, pursuing and accomplishing it is the key to breaking the chain and having a successful life.There are many who strive for and achieve this level of successful living everyday. But, I'm speaking of living a life at another level, I'm speaking of living a powerlife! what is a powerlife?

I believe fulfilling our purpose and living our dreams is a powerlife. Reaching our goals in life while keeping a balance between our family, spiritual and personal life is a powerlife. To achieve financial independence with the practice of unconditional love and unselfish service to all our fellow man is powerlife.

●Discover Your T.A.G. ( Talents,abilities, and Gifts) It's quite simple no one can do what you do, the way you do it. Only you have your talents, abilities, and gifts and NO one but you can share them. No matter how many singer are out there no one has your voice or the music inside you. You are an original, one of the kind there were no one like you ever before and there will be ever again. We need you to discover and share the T.A.G. you were sent here with.

●You must have a Vision.. You need to have a vision and sometimes lose your sight. your vision shows you where you can go in life, your sight only shows you where you are. You need a bigger picture of your life.Believe in your vision even when others don't. Your Vision was given to you ,not them and only you can make it a reality.