Moon Into It! Vol. 1 Issue #3 | Page 27

The Li beration



And Love! Oh my God! Love!!

Love is a dangerous thing.

It can't even be defined,

but neither can God's

mind. Think about this:

It is said that God so

'Loved' the world that

he gave his only begotten

Son-And we killed Him! Now think about this: Why is there Sin, Evil, Hate and Lust in the world? Answer: Satan, Lucifer, Angel of Light-God's first creation even before Adam and Jesus.

So why did God let him live and betray God and tempt all his creations to turn away from God? Answer: Because God 'Loved' him also. Could you kill your first born? Neither could God. Now, try to define 'Love'. Anyway, back to 'Love'.

I've been 'Loved' unconditionally and still continue to be(allegedly). But Love without reciprocity and compatibility is terminally-ill. Love kills. Love-It's "Look at all we've been through". It's-"The Convenient Thing To Do". It's-Forty years of just getting by. It's reminiscing on the 'good ol' days', just to have something to smile about in present Life. It's the sweet taste of alcohol to wash away the bitter taste of reality that has labeled you a coward for not facing your fears. It's the

"I don't condone it, but I understand it" comment you make after reading the daily headline-"Murder-Suicide, Husband and Wife, Married for 40 Years"...

Love. Love. Fuck Love! Keep Love! Give me Desire. Give me Want. Give me Peace of Mind, Give me Fulfillment. Total Contentment! Not Sacrifice! I don't want you to compromise or give up any part of you for me, cause then, we wouldn'tbe complete. I want a Soul Mate. Someone who if I just met today, I'd be okay with dying for tonight because, until I see the Face of

Robert Anthony Gray

Poetically Speaking

circumstances that form a quilt of normalcy which acts as the comforter giving a false sense of security to those who chose to sleep in the bed of lies called Happiness.

But today I escape. Today I free myself rom this self ingratiating prison. No- this is not some veiled, cloaked or cryptic suicide note. I will not take my Life and give it to the darkness, no. I will instead, Lift up my Life to the Light from which it came! I will break the cycle of atrocities meted meted down by Karma. I will tear down the confinements of this material, judgmental worldly society and dare to Live, Love and Laugh on my terms, by my wants, desires and aspirations. I will no longer be responsible for the comfort and pleasure of others. I was meant to Soar!!! To Shine!!! Like the Sun! I was meant to give Light. To Warm. When your seeds are firmly planted and your thirst adequately quenched- I will be there to photosynthesize you into New Growth, To be what God intended me to be. Without Fear, Regret or Remorse. Today I am Free!

Welcome to the Liberation of Me!!!

God-there'll be no higher level of ascension in this Life! I want to be able to complete your sentences but don't, because I like the sound of your voice-it soothes me. I want to be in your favorite variety box of teas so even when given a choice- you choose me. I want something that transcends beyond Love. Love kills! I want something that Lives. Something that Lives in me, Breathes with me, Heartbeats Me, Bleeds me.

Opens itself up and receives me and should I ever stifle its growth, will be strong enough to Leave me.But I know I can't have any of that as long as I am imprisoned here. Here, within the walls of a self constructed prison serving out a sentence of exponential Sins that have multiplied themselves into my Karmic existence, revealing themselves constantly in unpredictable fashion. Intricately weaving together a string of