Montpelier Archaeology Public Programs (2019/2020) 2020 Program Catalog | Page 5
Week Long Programs
Page 5
The program fee for our week-long programs includes all lectures
and specialty tours, training by our staff, two catered dinners, a one
year Montpelier membership, and a Montpelier gift bag.
Lab Analysis and Exhibit Curation—February 16th to 21st
Program Fee: $850/person
Housing Fee: $250
Ages: 12-85+
For every one hour that an archaeologist excavates, it takes
approximately 20 hours of work in the archaeological laboratory to
process, analyze, interpret, report, and finally display archaeological
findings. During this week long program, participants will engage in a
variety of tasks archaeologists do to create a museum exhibit, including
how to identify, catalogue, mend, and conserve a variety of 18 th
and 19 th
century artifacts. Participants will also receive behind-the-scenes tours of
Montpelier’s award winning exhibits and hear lectures from leading
scholars in archaeology and decorative arts, including ceramics expert
Partner Spotlight: Leslie Bouterie.
Leslie Bouterie
Leslie is Montpelier’s Visiting Curator of
Ceramics. As a specialist in historic ceramics,
she conducts research for museums and
historic sites to include Colonial Williamsburg
and The Charleston Museum. She has been a
lecturer for The New Orleans Collection,
Dumbarton House, Thomas Jefferson’s
Monticello, and other institutions.
Locate | Excavate | Analyze| Reconstruct | Network