Monthly Events Calendar August.2014 | Page 11

ort Hedland pr of P ese n nts ow T WEST END MOVIES Port Hedland Courthouse Gallery Gardens Live entertainment 6-7pm Movie screening 7pm Saturday 9 AUGUST Casablanca The classic and much-loved romantic melodrama Casablanca (1942), a masterful tale of two men vying for the same woman’s love. The story of political and romantic espionage is set against the backdrop of the wartime conflict between democracy and totalitarianism. With a rich and smoky atmosphere, anti-Nazi propaganda, Max Steiner’s superb musical score, suspense, unforgettable characters and memorable lines of dialogue (e.g., “Here’s lookin’ at you, kid,” and the inaccurately-quoted “Play it again, Sam”), it is one of the most popular, magical (and flawless) films of all time - focused on the themes of lost love, honor and duty, self-sacrifice and romance within a chaotic world. FREE EVENT Deckchairs are free on the night but with a limited number available. We encourage all community members who are attending the movies to bring a chair or rug to ensure all patrons can be comfortably seated to enjoy the movie. It is also recommended to pack a picnic basket of nibbles and refreshments.