So how’s homeschooling going for you?
Or do they call it “crisis schooling”? The jokes
that have been going around about us parents
getting frustrated homeschooling our kids have
provided some much needed laughter during a
task I’m discovering is not my gift. My favorite
is the one about a mom who decided that her
kids had done well enough after a few weeks
and decided to go ahead and let them graduate
high school. They were 12, 9 and 7!
If I’m honest, I’ve had similar thoughts
about letting Grace off the hook sooner than
I should. Balancing a full work schedule with
homeschooling a 9-year-old, who is miss-
ing the social interaction of school terribly,
has proven to be difficult, and in two words...
NOT FUN! I admire all the moms who school
their own children and keep their patience.
Jason and I have been taking turns with Grace, and that’s a good thing. We’ve
improved, too, as the weeks have passed. She’s down to only being sent to her
room maybe once a day. Progress!
All joking aside, most of us never imagined we’d be put in the position to school
our children at home, while also holding down our regular jobs and keeping up with
our other responsibilities. With one month to go, we have included an article that can
help. Janeen Lewis shares excellent advice and fun ideas in her article Finish the
School Year Virtually . Let’s encourage our kids to stay strong... and summer will
be here before we know it.
The changes over the last two months have affected us all in so many ways,
and especially our high school seniors. In what were supposed to be their fun and
exciting end of high school months, they’ve missed proms, graduation ceremonies,
parties and more. This month, we want to celebrate seniors and have included
Senior Spotlights beginning on page 58. If you would like to include an an-
nouncement for your child in next month’s issue, visit www.RiverRegionParents.com
for details. Congrats Class of 2020! We all celebrate you!
Look for several other timely and helpful articles in this issue, including Life
Skills Every Graduate Needs Before Heading to College, Helping Kids Navigate
Emotions Through Chaotic Times, and Screen Time in the Age of Coronavirus .
We always strive to meet families where they are, and during this unique time, we
want to offer all the support we can.
Until next month, enjoy the beautiful outdoors, make sweet memories with your
family, and keep your patience. This too shall pass!
River Region Parents Magazine is founded on the principle
that parenting is an exciting, diverse, challenging, and signifi-
cant role in our community. River Region Parents Magazine is
a community advocate for families and the parenting process.
Marty Watson (1950-2006)
DeAnne Watson
[email protected]
Associate Editor
Alison Rouse
Research Editor
Wendy McCollum
Contributing Writers
Spence Agee
Richard Dennis
Christa Melnyk Hines
Dr. Charles Ledbetter
Janeen Lewis
Sonia Martin, LICSW, PIP
Dr. Ann Roy Moore
Gerry Paige Smith
Kimberley Carter Spivey
Cover Photography
Judy Barranco
Jason Watson
[email protected]
Community Coordinator
Savannah Bowden
Digital Manager
Scott Davis
Advertising Opportunities
(334) 213-7940 ext. 703
[email protected]
Ad Design
Tim Welch
[email protected]
River Region Parents magazine is published monthly by KeepSharing LLC,
P.O. Box 230367, Montgomery, Alabama, 36123. River Region Parents is
copyrighted 2020 by KeepSharing LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction in
whole or part without written permission is prohibited. opinions expressed in
River Region Parents magazine are those of the authors and do not neces-
sarily reflect the view of the owners, nor do they constitute an endorsement
of products and services herein.
River Region Parents I May 2020