Montgomery Parents May 2020 | Page 21

ACA Succeeds with Virtual Learning Helping students successfully manage a new environment is easier when they are already familiar with the tools. Since Ala- bama Christian Academy has been a 1:1 school for more than 10 years, our students did not skip a beat when ACA began virtual school for all students, K3-12, this spring. Teachers, parents and administrators jumped right in to keep students engaged and learn- ing. Using the Google Classroom platform, students utilize different digital tools to com- municate with their teachers. In addition to video and e-mail, ACA faculty utilized Google Meet to touch base with and even instruct in a real time environ- ment. Even our elementary students are able to continue in this virtual environment. Using Class Dojo, See Saw and other digital tools, teachers are able to continue providing a Christian worldview education for our students. Staying connected, the ACA community is still thriving. Churchill Holds Social Distancing Egg Hunt Churchill Academy’s High School Student Council created a schoolwide Easter egg hunt while incorporating CDC safety guidelines such as social distanc- ing. Students from Classrooms A through High School were asked to decorate their yards with Easter decorations that were visible from the street. Families were pro- vided with a general map of participating neighborhoods, and April 10, 2020, served as the inaugural Churchill Academy Easter Egg Hunt. Fami- lies drove around to search for Easter decor from their cars. Parents drove and student passengers were asked to take pictures of their finds, posting them on social network sites with #ChurchillAcademyEasterEg- gHunt. The hunt was a tremendous suc- cess! Thank you, Student Council! 19