Montgomery Parents May 2020 | Page 18

Montgomery County Schools Jeff Davis Celebrates Class of 2020 Seniors Jeff Davis High faculty and staff greeted seniors as they picked up their caps and gowns at a drive-through event. Churchill Student Earns Air Force Awards Macon East Adjusts to Coronavirus Crisis Below are photos of some of the ways Macon East students and teachers are dealing with the Coronavirus crisis. Students from preschool through high school are adjusting to online learning each day with their teachers through Zoom and other fun and creative tools. Macon East recently celebrated the Class of 2020 and the unique situation this senior class is facing by placing yard signs at each senior’s home. Likewise, the Macon East PTO delivered yard signs and a teacher appreciation gift to every member of the Macon East faculty and staff. Churchill Academy student Thomas Rutherford earned the Billy Mitchell Award through the Maxwell Compos- ite Squadron Civil Air Patrol. He has achieved the Rank of 2nd Lieutenant and was chosen as “Cadet of the Year” for 2019 also. In February 2020, Thomas won the Air Force Association’s Out- standing Cadet. He received the awards at the February Awards Ceremony held at Maxwell Air Force Base, Montgomery. Middle School Small Groups at ACA During the 2019-2020 school year at Alabama Christian Academy, we have made a huge effort to invest in the lives of our middle school students as to who they are becoming. In doing this, we have implemented Middle School Small Groups during our chapel time. The focus in March was “teamwork” and how each and every one of us has a God-giv- en role in a team setting. The success of these small groups has relied heavily on our high school student leaders. We are grateful to them for their intentional in- vestment in our middle school students! River Region Parents I May 2020 16