MPS Moving
Through a
The great Maya
Angelou once said,
“If you don’t like
something, change
it. If you can’t change it, change your at-
titude.” Adjusting to the COVID-19 pandemic
definitely has changed lives and attitudes.
Even within our school district, we have made
several adjustments as we continue to engage,
educate and inspire students. We have moved
to a blended learning model, ensuring stu-
dents have technology resources, and we are
encouraging healthy habits while students are
learning from home.
When the pandemic caused the district
to physically close its doors to students, MPS
immediately started working on an academic
continuity plan, in conjunction with the state’s
plan. The academic plan includes a blended
learning model that encourages learning from
different sources. Teachers are utilizing re-
River Region Parents I May 2020
sources such as Google Classrooms, Clever and
other online education platforms. In addition,
teachers are working hard to keep students
engaged during this unusual time.
As parents, this new learning model will
start new conversations with your children.
Supplement material such as enrichment
websites, practice worksheets and workout
videos are also available to students. Adapting
to a new learning model is a great step forward
in preparing students for a more digitalized
To ensure all students can participate in
this new age of learning, the district is provid-
ing Chromebooks to students that may not
have technology devices within their homes.
Teachers are personally calling and emailing
parents to find out what technology is available
to each student. Students typically use these
devices during school hours and its a natural
habit for them to continue using the devices.
For students who may not have internet
service at home, MPS has strategically placed
WIFI-equipped school buses within neighbor-
hoods to allow students to connect. The City
of Montgomery, MGM Tech and the MPS staff
worked around the clock to ensure this service
would be available to our students. Also,
cable companies have put in place extended
coverage and free services. Our teachers and
principals constantly encourage our students to
utilize these services.
As the summer break approaches, help-
ing children to understand the importance of a
healthy and balanced life will be beneficial to
their overall health. Currently, MPS has several
meal sites for students to pick up well-balanced
meals. Encouraging children to choose fresh
fruits and veggies is a great way to build
healthy habits.
Don’t stop with food choices. Get out and
exercise. Our teachers are providing YouTube
videos for short exercise routines. Building
outdoor play into your daily schedule will help
reduce stress and fatigue as we work through
social distancing.
COVID-19 may have shifted our lives, but
remember to find the positives through it all.
For more than four decades, Dr. Moore has educated the
children of Alabama. From her first post as a pre-school
teacher, to her administrative work as a principal,
central office curriculum specialist, superintendent, and
her mentoring the next generation of teachers as an
adjunct professor at colleges and universities, teaching
is her passion.