Montclair Magazine Spring 2024 | Page 6


To be considered for Buzzworthy , contact montclair @ northjersey . com
The television series that was a worldwide sensation , Squid Games , has its own reality show spinoff where real life contestants compete for a grand prize of $ 4.5 million . A few NewJersey residents competedonthe Netflix show , including one from Cedar Grove .
MICHAEL BERMINGHAM , 53 , aretired police officer who was a detective for 25 years at the EssexCountySheriff Department , was a big fan of the original show . When trying to research when a new seasonwas coming out , hestumbled uponatryout forNetflix ’ s reality show Squid Game : theChallenge . Bermingham was one of 456 players who were selected from a pool of over 120,000 people who applied to be in thegameshowand he was player 245 .
The reality TV show , which debuted in November , recreatedthe popular games in the original iconic Netflix series . The first game , where most of the players were eliminated , was “ red light , green light ” which was an infamous part of the original series . Bermingham described that game as “ absolutely grueling ” and can attest to how difficult it was to complete . He made it past this game and went on to participate in the next round , the “ sugar honey combs .”
Bermingham needed to carveout theshape of a star on a thin sugar cookie using his own saliva and a needle . This was where he was eliminated from this intense game . The former police officer said it was only a “ hairline crack ” that kept him from advancing furtherto the next rounds .
Bermingham sayshehad an amazing experience while
competing in the reality show . He recalls how he met someamazing individuals while filming in the United Kingdom for alittleunder aweek .
“ I met people who I think I am going to be friends with for the rest of my life ,” says Bermingham .
He loved how the event was so stripped down . With no technology allowed , except for an emergency , Bermingham says he had “ great human interaction compared to people being on their phone .”
His most memorable momentwas walking into the dorms seeing how they were so realistic to the original show . He says ,“ I really hope viewers see how amazing it was to bring people from all over the world ” to this one place .
Other contestants have claimed the show was a disaster with inhumane conditions on set and others saying they suffered serious injuries . Some are even threatening legal action .
Berminghamsayshedoes notfeelthe same way at all . He says the production team , Studio Lambert , wasphenomenal and were very informative about everything . He said at times the temperatures were a little cold , but there was “ never a time , where in my opinion , where anybody was in danger of anything .”
Bermingham ’ s strategy was to “ stay low key but build an alliance .” His friends andfamily weresoexcited to see himon television . Eventhough he did not comeaway the bigprize winner he says this was something he would “ 100 % do again .”
BIVIO PIZZA NAPOLETANA has reopenedwithapromise from the new ownership to retain the samequalities that made it so popular in its original run .
Thenew owner says he has been workingwith his predecessortoensurecustomers willcontinue to enjoy authentic Neapolitan pizza at the eatery .
The pizzeria opened in 2018 and quickly became known for its lengthy list of rules , including no takeout , no slices , no groups larger than five and no alcoholserved .
But thosewho did secureaseat weretreated to Bivio ’ s signature Neapolitan pizza . The pies were made using “ 00 ” flour from Naples mixed into anatural yeast cultureknown as “ lievito madre .”
Fans of Bivio will behappy to learn that the restaurant will still use theyeast culture , which has now been around for 27 years , tocreate its pizza .
“ Presently weare accepting reservations on OpenTable and are waiting for you to come and enjoy the same great flavors as you didbefore ,” apostonInstagramread . It also encouraged thepublic to check in on the page formoreupdates “ aswe navigate our new journey .”