But I wanted to be legitimate . I worked in the basement of Chase Bank making copies all day . It wasn ’ t the best place , but itset me on the right path . I learned responsibility , getting up in the morning and to work on time and fulfilling myobligations . Ialso learned what I didn ’ t want to do , which can be just as powerful as knowing what you do want to do . I knew I didn ’ t want to be working in the mail room for the next �0 years .
�OW���OR�AN� WAS��E �RE� �O��E�E �RO�RA� A� �OFS�RA �O �OUR SU��ESS� If it weren ’ tfor NOA� , Iwouldn ’ t be where Iam today . This summer “ boot camp ” got inner city kids ready for freshman year . In addition to remedial work , we were taught Black history and learned about the major contributions African Americans made to the community , which was a huge motivating factor for me . That ’ s where I learned about Frederick Douglass , who said ,“ If there is no struggle , there is no progress .” And Longfellow ’ s words , “ The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight , but they were toiling upward in the night .” I learned that what I lacked in knowledge and experience could be overcome by working harder . I had wealthy roommates who would come home after partying and find me still at my desk . When they asked why I was still working , I said , “ I ’ m catching up to you .”
�N �OUR SEN�OR �EAR OF �O��E�E� �OU�O� AN OFFER FRO� A�O� A��OUN��N� F�R�� �OWAND W�� D�D �OUDE��DE �O �O �O �AW S��OO��NS�EAD� TheArthur Andersen recruiter was an African American woman . She explained the package they were offering and asked what I thought . I told her I was considering law school . Instead of pushing her offer , or being annoyed , she actually encouraged me to go to law school and connected me to someone in admissions at �eorgetown .
Arthur Andersen was the top accounting firm in the world , and Iwas poor . Itwould have been hard not to take the job and the money if she hadn ’ t encouraged me to pursue law school ,
NE� �O�� STO�� �ackson posing with his memoir , Never Far from Home , and New �ork City Mayor Eric Adams . �ackson serves on the mayor�s corporate counsel committee .
and helped me with aconnection . She didn ’ t know me at all , but she understood my story .
FRO� �����O����� �OU�EADED��E �AR�ES�EN�ER�A�N�EN� �AWF�R� �N ��E �OUN�R�� W�A�WERESO�E OF ��E �O�S AND ��A��EN�ESOF���S WOR�� We negotiated all the contracts for the top hip-hop artists including LL Cool J , Busta Rhymes , Jazzy Jeff , and �eavy D . Most of my clients didn ’ t have African American business managers or accountants representing them . When minority- and womenowned businesses approached me trying to get my clients to use their services , I facilitated it , pushing my clients to give opportunities to minorities and women . It went against the agency structure and people felt threatened by that . It was a risk , but I felt a responsibility to help them . I was trying to change the narrative .
Alot of the clients were attracted to me because of my inner city background ; they could see themselves in me . And Icould identify with them .
In many cases , they were alot younger than me and Iplayed big brother , providing guidance and support . It was dangerous — there was awar between East and West Coast rappers . Some were killed . Youhad to be careful where you went and who you were with , and be constantly aware . Itold my clients , stay focused , you don ’ t want to be caught upinviolence . You ’ re fortunate enough to be able to make something of yourself , let ’ snot blow the opportunity .
W�A��RO���ED�OU �O D�SSO��E ��E F�R� AND �O �O ���ROSOF�� Prior to 2000 , the music industry was physical — arecord company would produce ahit record , put it on an album and people would buy the album . Then Napster allowed you to buy an individual digital single . Itturned the model upside down . They were not selling albums anymore ; the means of distribution was digital , and people could choose which song on the album they wanted .
@ montclairmagazine MONTCLAIR MAGAZINE SPRING 2023