Montclair Magazine Spring 2023 | Page 10

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DA�E� �U���N�S� agraduate of Montclair �igh School and the Savannah College of Art and Design ( and son of North Jersey Media �roup sales manager �imberly Cummings ), has ahand in creating the �BO Max adult comedy �e��� — literally . Cummings landed ajob as abackground painter for the series , tasked with painting the environments seen in the show by applying color and light within lines and shapes set by the background designers .“ Ilove putting the finishing touches onashot with color and lighting , and seeing the finished paintings onthe show ,” says Cummings .“ The background gives off somuch life when characters are moving throughout it .” Next up : Learning more about facets of animation including background , character and prop design with the goal of eventually becoming an art director for an animated series .
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�ow does aformer standup become asuccessful purveyor of hair care products for kids� Around the same time her comedy career was waning , R�SA �ARAS� perceived aneed among frantic parents for ways to prevent lice infestation . Along with her husband Robert , Barash took a salon recipe and worked with amanufacturer to create acleaner , greener version , and arrived at Rosemary Repel shampoo ; ade-tangler , conditioner and other products followed . Now the Fairy Tales �air Care line is atop seller among kids ’ hair care sold at Target , Walmart and other retailers . Barash , a10-year Montclair resident , also launched aline of hygiene products for tweens called TB� �ids . On March 8 , InternationalWomen ’ s Day , she had reason to celebrate : �er company is women-owned , primarily women-run , and amajority of its employees are women .
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We all know people we ’ d like tothank for working hard and making adifference inour lives . The office of Rep . Mikie Sherrill recently announced alist of ���� N���� �EROES so her constituents could do just that . The heroes were chosen from anoutpouring ofsubmitted nominations from the community . Montclair residents chosen for recognition wereAminah Toler , Board of Education administrator ; �abrielle Rossi , Executive Director of �irls in�ear ; nurse Janet Duni ; Oren Segal , Vice President of the Center on Extremism at ADL ; and SusanneWalther , head of palliative care , �niversity �ospital Newark . The Bloomfield residents honored were the staff ofThe BloomfieldAnimal Shelter and �imberly �ow Mason , child counselor at �ackensack Meridian Children ’ s �ospital . �onorees from Verona were Amazon executive and L�BT�� advocate Meg Columbia-Walsh , operating room nurse Patti Columbia-Walsh , and Patty �remen , Director of the NCJW�Essex Center for Women . Essex Fells police officer Captain William Boggier ; Dave Fletcher , Owner of Cedar Bean ’ s Coffee Joint in Cedar �rove , and Nutley veteran and retired police detective Maria �amlin were also honored .
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