Montclair Magazine Spring 2020 | Page 8

editor’s letter A SOAR. At MKA, we believe in forging understanding from curiosity, fusing character into community and instilling balance and joy in students. We believe that a great school can transform young lives and help them        Start their journey by attending one of our upcoming events this Spring. INFORMATION SESSIONS Primary School Tuesday, 5/12 9:00–11:00 a.m. 224 ORANGE ROAD, MONTCLAIR Upper School Monday, 5/4 8:30–10:30 a.m. 6 LLOYD ROAD, MONTCLAIR CINDY SCHWEICH HANDLER Middle School update MKA.ORG | 973.509.7930 Since we last spoke to JASON LEVINE (“H UMMUS IN E VERY H OME ,” B ACK TO S CHOOL 2019), the chief marketing officer of hummus-maker Sabra, the company has opened (and closed) its first pop-up restaurant. For six weeks in late fall, Manhattan’s West Village restaurant Kish-Kash, whose dishes incorporate lots of couscous, transformed into Whirled Peas. The pop-up restaurant had its own décor and a hummus-heavy menu — think Korean bulgogi bowl with hummus and Hummus Thai Pho — created by Kish-Kash’s Israeli-born chef-owner, Einat Admony. Tuesday, 5/5 8:30–10:30 a.m. 201 VALLEY ROAD, MONTCLAIR 6 t a time when our area seems to be changing at a faster rate than any other in recent memory, Montclair Magazine’s annual Readers’ Choice poll answers some interest- ing questions. How are older, more established restaurants and busi- nesses doing? What food and shopping trends did we say good- bye to, and which ones excite us now? Which go-to places have stood the test of time? To find out how your neighbors feel, check out the results of our 7th annual survey. Online businesses are sometimes regarded as competitors to local businesses, but they’re often operated by area residents, too. In this issue, we highlight three of them: Women’s clothing site Audrey and Elle, personalized bracelet-maker Little Words Project, and Universal Yums, a successful distributor of international snacks (purple yam shortbread, anyone?) run by Montclair residents who use a warehouse in Roseland. There’s no shortage of creative talent in these parts, as exemplified by Kelly Dillon, a Verona resident and on-air traffic reporter and podcaster who is also an online influencer and voice-over artist. Creativity is also on display in the cooking at Allegory, the restaurant in the MC Hotel on Bloomfield Ave. Read our food editor Esther Davidowitz’s take on her experience there. And share your thoughts with us any time: You’re an integral part of Montclair’s ever-changing scene. ■ SPRING 2020 MONTCLAIR MAGAZINE