Montclair Magazine Spring 2020 | Page 14

Submit your ideas for neighbors neighbors to [email protected] 7 THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT Dr. Elsie Koh North Caldwell resident and physician leads by example B WRITTEN BY SHAYLAH BROWN SHE ATTENDED BOARDING SCHOOL IN WASHINGTON, D.C. Koh’s father, a native of Korea, relocated to West Virginia because there was a dire need for physicians there after the Vietnam War. “The education in West Virginia was not that great, so my parents sent me away to the Madeira School, an all- girls boarding school in Greenway, Virginia,” says Koh. There, she got her share of experience in different professions, including interning for Mel Levine, a U.S. congressman from California, and volunteering at The Washington Hospital Center. “[During my sophomore year] I would volunteer and shadow doc- tors,” she says. “I would be standing 12 SPRING 2020 MONTCLAIR MAGAZINE over the operating table watching chest surgeries and C-sections. I was only 15 at the time. I was introduced to the gruesome things at a very early stage. It helped me prepare for medical school because things weren’t such a shock. “Being in boarding school allowed me to realize how limited my world view was and how sheltered I was,” she says. “That was really the begin- ning of learning how to speak up for myself and stand up for myself. I was shy and introverted. This was the beginning of my empowerment, because I knew I had to learn how to speak up.” Her experiences also led her y second grade, Dr. Elsie Koh, 50, was already navigating a pretend operating room and filling out prescrip- tion pads. The daughter of a physician, her fascination with medicine began early. Today, the North Caldwell resi- dent is an interventional radiologist, which means she provides minimally invasive image-guided diagnosis and treatment of disease. When she chose her field, women made up only 1 percent of it (they now comprise 9 percent). She held leadership positions at Azura Vascular Care in Woodland Park, where she worked for 14 years. Here are seven things you should know about her.