Montclair Magazine Spring 2017 | Page 10

Editor ’ sNote

Every Spring , we at Montclair Magazine look to the physically fit among us for inspiration . Some years call for more inspiration than others , so in this issue , we highlight four local athletes who ’ ve medaled on the world stage – and are still training years later . In “ For the Love of the Sport ,” native Montclairians ME ’ LISA and MIKELE BARBER , and residents AMY ALEXANDER and JEREMY MICHALITSIANOS , share why they won ’ tskip their workouts , decades after taking up running , swimming and rowing , respectively . We also talk to recently-arrived resident MICKAEL LAFARGE , apersonal trainer from West Africa whose former clients include the First Lady of Senegal . The desire to feel good and be active , hehas found , transcends international borders . And in terms of general health maintenance , weask Mountainside Hospital ’ s DR . ALANKLUKOWICZ how to get abetter night ’ ssleep , especially after “ springing forward .”

One change we ’ re making this year is to feature our Readers ’ Choice poll in our spring issue instead of during the fall . It ’ snice to start off the year reading about new businesses , restaurants and services . But it ’ salso satisfying to see beloved local institutions rewarded by their customers . Who are we – that is , who are you – honoring this year ? The answers are just afew pages away .
So we won ’ tkeep you from exploring the results , along with the other columns and features . As always , we welcome your questions , comments and stories at Montclair @ northjersey . com . ■
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148 CENTRAL AVE MONTCLAIR , N . J . 07042 ( 973 ) 744-9330 www . deenihandds . com
Looking at the list of 2017 OSCAR NOMINEES , it ’ s almost as if members of the Academy of Motion PictureArts and Sciences sent scouts out to seewhatthe MONTCLAIR FILM FESTIVAL was up to last year . Consider : MFF held advanced screenings of MOONLIGHT and LA LA LAND formembers prior to their theatrical releases . Best Documentary Feature nominee LIFE , ANIMATED opened MFF 2016 ; a competitor in that category , I AM NOT YOUR NEGRO , was screened for the community before its New Jersey release . And perhaps most impressively , JOE ’ S VIOLIN , the film made by advisory board members Kahane Cooperman and Raphaela Neihausen ( MFF ’ s founding executive director ) was nominatedfor Best Documentary FeatureShortSubject . Montclair Magazine declares them all winners .