Montclair Magazine May 2024 | Page 16

ALLTOGETHER NOW Edwin Ramirez ( in the striped T-shirt and glasses ) with student buddies in SDC ’ s Morocco program .
groups of 10 undocumented students courses insocial justice for college credit .
“ They explore the Berkshires and learn what it ’ slike tobein aresidential college setting ,” says Allen .“ It ’ s been asmashing success .” He hopes to expand the experimental college aspect of SDXCO toother SDC locations so more college-aspiring , first-generation students can earn college credit the summer after their junior year of high school .“ The Baja program ( in marine biology and desert ecology ) could be ripe for that ,” hesays .
Edwin Ramirez , the Seton Hall Prep scholarship student , attended SDC ’ sprogram on the Baja Peninsula – not as ahigh school student , but as a leader ofthe group . After graduating from Kenyon College with amajor in biochemistry , hereturned toNewark and attended graduate school at Rutgers , where he received amasters ’ degree in biomedical sciences . The nearly four-week program in Mexico during summer 2023 occurred while he was applying tomedical school , and he was interviewed via Zoom at aBaja medical center while wearing ashirt , tie , blazer and shorts .
“ You don ’ trealize how much goes into making sure things run ontime , and that everyone isinvolved and having fun , until you ’ re aleader ,” says Ramirez . “ People came from all walks of life . As adoctor , you ’ re leading a team who come from all walks oflife , too , and everyone needs tocollaborate .” Ramirez begins medical school at Rutgers this fall . n

As ahigh schoolsophomore , Queens native Ettie Philitas went foraninterview in hopes oftraveling abroad through apartner organization toPrep for Prep , the nonprofitdedicated tomaking higher education more accessible to students of color . The man whointerviewed him was Tony Allen , and the trip to France Philitastook as aresult “ wassolife-changing ,” hesays . “ It exposed meto different cultures , meeting other youth interested in travel and culture , and built grit in me . Iwantedothers tohave the same opportunities Ihad .”

Philitas attended Princeton University asanundergradand the University of Pennsylvania ’ sWharton SchoolofBusiness for his MBA . AtWharton , hehelped set up ascholarship for the African American MBA Association . It paid for two talented students from West Philadelphia schools to travel abroadonthe Experimentin International Living ’ s Outbound Ambassador program .
Jobs infinance took Philitas from New York tothe San Francisco Bay area , but he kept in touch with Tony Allen and others who shared the same interest in aiding underserved , smartstudents . In2017 , he joined SDC asaboard membertoprovide strategic direction . Heenjoys meeting and interviewing students fromacross the country . “ When students writeabout being partofthe first generation togotocol- lege or abroad , it ’ svalidating ,” hesays . “ I felt the same way .” Philitas met one of his best friends on his trip toFrance , and the two have shared alove of French culture , music and vineyards ever since .
Philitas and his wife , Maci , moved to Montclair onthe recommendation ofclose friends , and have found it “ agreat community for young parents who are at thesame stage of life ”( 3-year-old son Hollis isabouttobejoined by asibling ). “ We ’ ve beengetting the word out about SDC ,” says Philitas . “ Every set of parents we ’ ve engaged has been excited about thepotential to provide for less privileged students . Everyone is well aware that talentisevenly distributed , but opportunityisn ’ t .”