“ It doesn ’ t matter if you ’ ve ever walked onto astage before ,” says Freeman Clark . “ We create asafe space where kids feel free to be themselves unapologetically so they can really create .”
The economics ofrunning atheater in Montclair are daunting . In1990 , the Whole Theater , run by Olympia Dukakis for 17 years , closed after government budget cuts . The Luna Stage moved to West Orange in 2010 and 12 Miles West moved to Bloomfield in 2015 .( It ’ snow in Rutherford .)
Freeman Clark hopes to beat the odds . Sofar , government funds have helped . During the pandemic , COVID grants from the state ofNew Jersey helped with HVAC and bathroom upgrades to the old proscenium theater at 180 Bloomfield Ave .
Then and now , Lin Manuel- Miranda ’ sfamily foundation , TeeRico , has been abig supporter . And while ticket prices don ’ t come close to covering costs ,“ getting butts in seats ” is crucial , Freeman Clark says . It often leads to individual donations when people “ are blown away and ask how they can help . The more notice we get in the community , the better ,” she says .
To illustrate Vanguard ’ s plight , FreemanClark referencedascenein Seussical when “ people living on this littleflower in another universe shout out ,‘ We arehere ,’” she says .“ That ’ s our inside joke . We just need people to know we are here . Because everyone who comes says ,‘ Oh my goodness , how did we not know you ’ re here ? We will be back .’”
It is hoped that the funding from Michael Jordan and Jordan Brand ’ s Black Community Commitment will raise Vanguard ’ sprofile . The theater is using its grant to create new works involving social and cultural narratives : The next production on its main stage , which will run May 19-23 , will be its New Works Festival : Illuminating New Voices . Its goal , says Freeman-Clark , is to “ mentor and amplify marginalized voices in all areas of the theater industry , including writers , producers , composers , performers , directors , choreographers , and managers .” ■
Formore information , go to vanguardtheatercompany . org .
THE STORYTELLING CONTINUES ( From top ) Productions of Runaways , Into the Woods and Passing Strange reflect the values of Vanguard Theater Company , which is led by founding Artistic Director Janeece Freeman Clark with Managing Director Jessica Sporn . VTC ’ s staff and board are mostly women-led , 55 % Black , Hispanic and Asian , and 45 % white .