Editor’s Note
get dressed…
pring is a boon season for fans in these parts.
I refer not to March Madness, but to the movie
madness that is the Montclair Film Festival.
In one week, the curtains will rise on 10 days of
features, documentaries, panels and parties.
Hard to believe that MFF is five years old, and has
outgrown its temporary digs in Hillside Square. As Capital
Campaign Co-Chair Lynn Selassie explains in “If You Build
It,” the future headquarters in the Investors Bank Film & Media Center will
accommodate screenings, fundraisers and student groups – and draw visitors
to its central downtown location.
Montclair is full of memorable settings, of course, and a surprising number
of them have served as the backdrop for feature films. In “Location,
Location, Location,” we talk to the professionals charged with finding the
homes, streets, offices and public meeting places where movie scenes are
shot. Our town, it turns out, is beloved by location managers searching for
picturesque, film-friendly places; while the loss of tax incentives currently
makes feature production in New Jersey prohibitive, films like Analyze This
and In & Out live forever as reminders.
One important Montclair address is celebrating its 100th birthday this
year: 21 Van Vleck Street, where Joseph Van Vleck Jr. erected the house that
is now open to the public, and run as a non-profit (“At 100, More Beautiful
than Ever”). With the property’s many rhododendrons, azaleas and wisteria
plants in bloom, it’s a great time to get comfortable in the gardens, soak up
the sun and crack open a book… or this magazine.
Lastly, don’t forget to vote in our 4th annual Montclair Magazine Reader’s
Choice Awards online at www.montclairmagazine.com/vote. Results will
appear in the Fall 2016 issue.
As always, we welcome your feedback at [email protected]. ■
New Spring
Has Arrived
This look from
Tricot Chic
193 Bellevue Avenue
Upper Montclair
fax 973.746.4820
Montclair Magazine’s
4th Annual
Readers’ Choice Awards
Vote for your local favorites online and
watch for the results in our Fall 2016 issue.
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