Montclair Magazine Holiday 2018 | Page 50

ack Travel b w s! in time it rc h hive u s The Record Archives circa 1945 48 HOLIDAY 2018 MONTCLAIR MAGAZINE During the holiday shopping season, Montclair officials often give driv- ers a break and let them park for free. It’s nice to remember, though, a time when getting out and about in town didn’t mean relying on cars. In this photo (we believe it shows Montclair due to the Rudolph & Cheers Hairdressers sign, and Bloomfield Avenue because it was a trolley route), we see cars, the trolley and buses working in harmony. Would you like to see a light rail service return to Montclair? Share your thoughts at [email protected] or on Instagram @montclairmagazine. LIBRARY ecordA Follow @TheR irMagazine on la and @Montc share your own Instagram and photos using local vintage rchives #RecordA