Montclair Magazine Fall 2023 | Page 14

the hands of Godzilla . Ihad theseamazing experiences . Igot technical control and then expansiveness , and retail and hospitality . InDecember 2003 , Itook all that and started RHG in Philadelphia .
HOW DID YOUR DESIGN AESTHETIC EVOLVE ? As an undergrad , Istudied art and architectural history , and was intrigued by the idea that whether they ’ re churches orbanks or houses , buildings have generations of memories in them . How beautiful isthat ? At RHG , wetend towards modern , but we work in old buildings , sowehonor what ’ sthere while putting amodern spin on it . Forme , it ’ sthis idea that old buildings don ’ t die , they go on to anew life , and that life can ’ t look like the old life . Inalot of our residential buildings , we ’ ll preserve the trim and molding while dissecting the kitchen and bathrooms . You pick and choose where you develop that classic quality and where you choose to let it go .
HOWHAS YOUR SPIRITUAL LIFE IMPACTED YOUR CAREER ? This is not an easy field . In alot of ways , architecture isabout perfection . Asaprincipal , I ’ m responsible for everything , making sure all the pieces get done in atimely fashion and within areasonable budget . There are alot of places to fail , and it ’ s alot of pressure . Alot of people drop out of the field . Twenty-five years ago , I almost left the industry . Ifelt like Iwas designing stuff for people with money , and they weren ’ t appreciating it . Iwas like , Where ’ sthe value ? Atsome point , creating beauty just for the sake of beauty orfunctional buildings just for the sake ofcreating functional buildings isn ’ t enough . Youhave tofind the purpose .
Ihave avery active spiritual and yoga life . I ’ m acertified teacher , and used to teach at JaiPure . Idoalot of retreats . Since the pandemic , I ’ ve developed ahome practice and have awhole morning ritual . Ritualizing life and living the yoga is how Istay grounded .
My work is exhausting , really exhausting , but it ’ salso exciting . I ’ m motivated by how Ican affect people ’ s mental health or inspiration orfamily unit . I ’ m always trying to create for people aplace where they can pause .
DESIGNING WOMAN More examples of Rachael Grochowski ’ s work ( from top ): The lounge inside the Clairidge Theater ; Vault 491 ; the meeting space at Hillside Square .
Iconstantly remind myself that if I ’ m creating calm spaces where people can pause , Ineed toput myself in acalm space to start or end my day .
Yoga helps you become more open , and you start living your life that way ; Icall it living the yoga . Ididn ’ t realize how true that was until Iworked on the Bounce festival ( promoting mental health ) in town in 2019 , where Iwas the design director for the experiential space in the church . I ’ dalways known
that architecture and design was about experience ; now Irealized that it can help us come to our truth , come to our calm and our peace and help us connect with each other . Design can help us get into the flow of life .
During the pandemic , Idecided that there ’ snopoint innot talking about this anymore . What ’ s the risk ? That people are going to think I ’ m alittle bit woowoo ? That ’ swhat ’ sgotten me here . It ’ s all the mediation , all the belief , all the healing , all ofthe spaciousness Iworked at creating .
WHAT ARE SOME RECENT PROJECTS THAT HAVE BEEN MEANINGFUL TO YOU ? Iworked on acannabis lounge in Newark called Hashtoria . It ’ saproject with Raekwon , arapper with Wu-Tang Clan . Even though pot is legal , some people are still incarcerated ( due to social inequities ). As an architect , Ihave the opportunity to participate in creating abrand that is going to create social equity . It ’ ssomething Ican have compassion for because of all the work I ’ ve done in my yoga practice . Tome , that ’ s changing the world .
Another example is from aprivate home in town . It ’ savery large house , and the couple wanted different bathrooms . Isaid , “ What if you shared a bathroom and Igave you areally big bathroom with your own spaces ? They weren ’ t sure , but we made this huge , beautiful bathroom for them . Later they told me that it changed their relationship — they talked to each other more than they had in years because they share this intimate space , without getting into each other ’ sfaces .
Finally , Iworked with Ruth Perretti of ( the recently closed ) Ruthie ’ s Bar- B-Q and Pizza on her grain cooperative in Warren County called Marksboro Mills . She ’ s helping bring native grain back to adepressed farming industry . That gets me excited .
My spiritual values play apart even in small design decisions . Recently , a client asked me what Ilike inleather sofas . Iknow what the trends are , but I ’ m less focused on that than on what I believe . Irecommended avegan leather sofa . And my office staff reflects my values . Ihave areally diverse office . It ’ salmost all women , but it ’ sracially diverse . Idid not wake upone day and