Montclair Magazine Back to School 2022 | Page 8

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In 2021 , Montclair Kimberley Academy launched INQUIRY TO INSIGHT , a podcast featuring some of the show ’ s successful alumni . In July , the podcast returned to feature four of the school ’ s graduates who have become innovators in their �elds . Host Steve Valentine , assistant head of the �pper School and Director of Academic Leadership , interviewed �atricia Chin Sweeney (’ �� ), director of IDEV Africa� IDEV International , aboutique advisory �rm based in Nairobi , Kenya ; Mark Smukler (’ 0� ), founder and CEO of �low , a location-based app ; Carina Wong (’ 11 ), a documentary �lmmaker , producer and camera operator for HBO , Hulu , National �eographic and other platforms ; and Kevin Wilkins (’ �3 ), founder and managing director at trepwise , arapidly-expanding management consulting �rm . Athird episode is expected to launch in January 2023 . • Inquiry to Insight is a�ailable onApple Podcasts and Spotify .

ain Asher , the CNN International news anchor who is this issue ’ s cover subject , says that Montclair feels like an extension of herself , “ where I feel 100� welcome , and �t in completely .” It ’ s understandable that the town resonates with her . Asher ’ s family is from Nigeria , and she grew up in London ; Montclair attracts residents from all over the world and is celebrated for its diversity . Asher ’ s mother CIN�Y

SCHWEICH worked tirelessly for her children to succeed HAN�LER and values education ; many move to Montclair for its schools , and are passionately involved in them . And Asher has just written a memoir , �here the Children Take �s , in a place where books are one of the local population ’ s major exports . It ’ s a perfect �t�
Speaking of books , we could probably include a roundup of new works by area authors in every Montclair Maga�ine , but there ’ s too many other things going on , so we ’ ve chosen the Back to School issue for one list . “ We ’ re �oing to Need a Bigger Bookshelf ” highlights seven books for your enjoyment .
If you like reading at home , it ’ s nice to be surrounded by beauty and comfort while you do it . In “ Coming Home to Color ,” designer and Montclair resident Julieta Alvarez shares how warm color schemes make family and guests want to linger . Of course , you can also relax while reading a magazine . Just sayin ’. ■
CORRECTION : The photo �sed on o�r May iss�e cover was taken �y Heidi G�t�an�
Laura Guinta Gencarelli , Esq . was elevated to Partner at Snyder Sarno D ’ Aniello Maceri & da Costa LLC in January 2018 . Herpractice is exclusively devoted to all aspects of family law and she serves clients throughout New Jersey . Laura earned her Juris Doctor degree from Seton Hall University School of Law . She has been amember of the New Jersey bar since 2008 and joined her current firm in February 2014 . Laura is amember of the New Jersey State Bar Association and the Essex County Bar Association , and a member in the Barry I . Croland Inns of Court . She completed the National Family Law Trial Institute in Houston , Texas in May 2017 which further polished her trial advocacy skills . She formerly volunteered as an Early Settlement Panelist in Passaic County and has represented victims of domestic violence pro bono
through the Jersey Battered Women ’ sService . In 2021 , the firm ’ smanaging partner , Angelo Sarno , Esq ., and Laura , advocated on behalf of the plaintiffinthe published Appellate Division decision Greebel v . Lensak , 467 N . J . Super . 251 ( App . Div . 2021 ). Laura successfully argued for the disqualification of defendant ’ s counsel at the trial level , due to plaintiff having consulted with this attorney several years prior on the same issues . The Appellate Division affirmed the trial court ’ sruling , holding that plaintiff disclosed significantly harmful information substantially related to the current litigation , thereby creating adisqualifying conflict . In addition to this success , Laura has been selected for inclusion in both the Super Lawyers Rising Stars list from 2017 to 2018 i , and the Best Lawyers List from 2020 to 2022 ii . If you would like to schedule aconsultation with Laura about your family law or divorce matter , you can reach out to her by dialing 973- 274-5200 or emailing her at LGencarelli @ snydersarno . com .
Laura Gencarelli has been included on Thomson Reuters ’ Super Lawyers , Rising Stars list from 2017-2018 . The Super Lawyers list is generated using apatented selection process involving three basic steps : creation of the candidate pool using peer nominations ; evaluations of candidates by the research department ; and peer evaluation by practice area . A further description of the selection methodology can be found at https :// www . superlawyers . com / about / selection _ process _ detail . html . No aspect of this advertisement has been approved by the Supreme Court of New Jersey . ii
Our firm has attorneys selected by their peers for inclusion in the Best Lawyers in America ® and the Best Lawyers Ones to Watch lists : In the field of Family Law , Medical Malpractice , and Personal Injury since 2020 . ( Copyright 2022 by BL Rankings , Augusta GA ). This list is generated entirely on peer review . A further description of the selection methodology can be found at https :// www . bestlawyers . com / methodology . No aspect of this advertisement has been approved by the Supreme Court of New Jersey .
973-274-5200 snydersarno . com LGencarelli @ snydersarno . com Locations in Bergen , Essex , Morris , and Somerset County