Montclair Magazine Back to School 2022 | Page 35

Dentistry for Children

1135 BROAD STREET , SUITE 207 | CLIFTON | 973-338-1383 | DFCSMILES . COM

Iwant to go back to the dentist .” This is not an oft-heard phrase , yet parents are pleasantly surprised and extremely happy when their children actually ask to go back to Dentistry for Children . Beyond the brand-new office with state-ofthe-art technology , patients are delighted with Dr . Hassam Sultan ’ seasy-going personality and the pervasive atmosphere of positive dental health experiences . “ Patients and their parents continuously tell me that they have never seen dentistry like this . Ihave abackground in teaching , and Itake extra time with my patients ( especially my parents ) to review their individualized treatment plan and explain why it is important to brush and floss .” Positive early experience with dental care sets children up for alifetime of healthy habits .
Dr . Sultan , Dr . Kim , who specializes in orthodontics , and the entire staff pride themselves on being very family-oriented and providing an excellent customer service experience . In fact , some parents choose the office for their own dental needs . The office is also set up to accommodate those children who have sensory and other special needs . With alarge operatory equipped with abeanbag and other accessories to make visits easier , more comfortable , and run more smoothly for those who are especially anxious about dental treatment .
“ The cutting-edge technology represents who we are ; we go out of our way to give our patients the best results with the most comfort .” Dentistry for Children utilizes an iTero digital intraoral scanner and a CariVu detection device to minimize any mess and discomfort . They also offer zirconia cosmetic crowns for children and silver diamine fluoride to treat and help prevent tooth decay in very young children who are unable to tolerate conventional treatments . The practice
Dr . Hassam Sultan , DMD , MS , FAAPD
also provides in house intravenous sedation from a board-certified anesthesiologist , enabling those who suffer from dental anxiety to still achieve healthy , beautiful smiles .
Impeccably trained , Dr . Sultan received his bachelor ’ s degree in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Connecticut . He received his DMD at the University of Connecticut- School of Dental Medicine , while concurrently obtaining a Master of Science in biomaterials in biomedical engineering . Dr . Sultan went on to complete a pediatric dental residency at Connecticut Children ’ s Medical Center , and he is now a clinical assistant professor at Rutgers University Department of Pediatric Dentistry . Dr . Sultan is board certified through the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry and a Fellow in the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry .
Dentistry for Children is an important part of the community and gives back in a multitude of ways . They participate in Autism Speaks walks and Give Kids a Smile , which in collaboration with the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry , gives access to free dental care to those in need .
Dr . Sultan lives in Madison with his wife , Sonia , and their two-anda-half-year-old son . Sonia is the office manager ; Dentistry for Children is truly a family-run business , and their patients have come to rely on the reassuring combination of warmth and professionalism . Dr . Sultan sees many patients who have come for second opinions and are drawn to the practice for the conservative treatment philosophy and familyoriented , stress-free environment .