Montclair Magazine Back to School 2022 | Page 12

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HE �ELIEVES SHORTVIDEOSHELP PEOPLE A�SOR� INFORMATION MORE EASILY� Wang felt the short length of TikTok videos �t well with his personal mindset of “ work smarter , not harder .” Whenever he prepared for tests , he would create study guides with exactly what he needed to know , a concept he carried over to his TikTok channel . Although Tik Tok now allows for 3-minute videos , he still tries to keep his to �0 seconds , a length that suits today ’ s short attention spans .“ You have to keep it to the basics and be very clear and concise with how you talk ,” says Wang .
He ’ s noticed a pattern of his videos blowing up online the night before the SAT is scheduled to be given . One viral video shows him listing every formula viewers need to know for the test .
HE TURNED HIS TUTORING INTO A�USINESS� Wang felt that students relate better to teachers who are the same age , and that this helps them better absorb information .“ �rom my experience , it just makes for a much better learning experience ,” he says . He decided to rally a group of friends who were also interested in tutoring , and found about 15 people to work for him . “ My goal isn ’ t to make money ,” says Wang .“ Ijust wanted to help as many people as Ican . If someone has trouble paying , I ’ ll offer discounts .”
HIS CONTENT MAY EVOLVE AT COLLEGE� Although he plans to keep his business going , Wang wants to keep his options open at the �niversity ofMichigan . He will study data science , taking classes in computer science with a minor in education . He feels this will give him multiple career options in teaching , coding or data analysis . “ I just want a level of versatility to my future ,” he says . “ I ’ ll �nd so many different communities of people that I will be able to network and bond with and �nd out what it is that Iwant to do .”
Wang says he imagines his content
could shift as he goes to college . One plan he has is to document his experience as a college freshman . “ It would not only show other people what it ’ s like , but also document it for myself in the future soIcan look back and see what it was like as a freshman in college ,” he says . “ I ’ m going to experiment with a lot of things and see what works .”
CLIFTON AND MONTCLAIR ARE HOME TO HIM INDIFFERENT WAYS� Clifton , where Wang lived until eighth grade , will always be the place Wang considers home . He has fond memories of going with his middle school friends to the park after school . He calls it a diverse community with many different perspectives that make it special . “ It ’ s still a great place to be ,” he says . “ I still go to the gym in Clifton and have lifelong friends there that I ’ ll keep from elementary school .”
He also enjoys living in Montclair . A 10-minute walk will offer him a variety of food choices in “ one of the best downtowns in the country ,” he says . And Wang loves Montclair High School and the opportunities offered there , such as Advanced �lacement classes he could take early in his high school career . He was involved in many clubs in Montclair that helped him feel “ a sense of community .”
As class president , he gave a speech at graduation in June .
HE �ELIEVES THE �EY TO SUCCESS IS GOOD TIMEMANAGEMENT� It ’ s not easy running a business , keeping on top of his social media account , being involved in various clubs and exercising at the same time . However , Wang says he ’ s able to do everything he wants by scheduling his time into blocks .
“ It was the mentality of �If you don ’ t start , you ’ ll regret it later ,’” he says . “ It ’ s about having that mentality of always wanting to be better , staying motivated and staying focused on what Iwake up to do every day . That ’ s key to me .” It could be easy to feel burnt out from the stress , but his “ love for helping others and the grati�cation that comes with helping others is stronger than burning out .”
HE ADVISES STUDENTS NOT TO STRESSA�OUTTHE TEST� �or those who are stressed about the SAT , Wang says the tests can only help their college applications , since if they feel they didn ’ t do well , they don ’ t have to submit them . “ Standardized testing does not de�ne you whatsoever ,” he says . “ It ’ s not a measure of intelligence , so take it seriously , but don ’ t take it too seriously .” ■