Montclair Magazine Back-to-School 2019 | Page 32

Q&A Just Joking Montclair resident Glenn Eichler writes for The Late Show with Stephen Colbert WRITTEN BY CINDY SCHWEICH HANDLER PHOTOGRAPHY BY MICHELE TOMASIK G 30 BACK TO SCHOOL 2019 MONTCLAIR MAGAZINE After that, I wrote for Beavis and Butt-Head. Daria [the animated sitcom Eichler co-created and pro- duced] was a spin-off of that and a cult favorite, which ended up being good things. YOU’VE WORKED WITH STEPHEN COLBERT SINCE THE BEGINNING OF HIS FIRST SHOW, THE COLBERT REPORT . HOW DID YOU CONNECT WITH HIM? Glenn Eichler with his Emmy WHAT DID YOU DO AT MTV, AND WHAT WAS IT LIKE WORKING THERE IN ITS EARLY YEARS? I was a promo writer, and then a floating writer. I got to meet a lot of celebrities. One year, Prince played with his New Power Generation at the Thanksgiving party. He played just because he felt like it, and there were a couple one hundred people there; I was 20 feet away. I was also there when we got a memo saying we had to refer to Michael Jackson as the King of Pop. He wanted to be called the King of Rock, Pop and Soul, but we negotiated him down to King of Pop. He was the biggest artist in the world at the time. Here’s a lesson for the writers out there. I was out of work for two years after being steadily employed my whole life. They were looking for writers, and I had a meeting in a tiny little coffee shop that was across from the studio. When they offered me a job, I was thrilled. Stephen had been doing that character on The Daily Show, which we called a “high status idiot.” It was originally modeled on Bill O’Reilly, though we moved away from that – he was a liberal playing a loud con- servative. When the show premiered in October 2005, a lot of reviewers were positive, though they said “How can he keep this up?” Everything Stephen does is amazing. He’s a really talented guy. HOW DO YOU PUT TOGETHER A NIGHTLY SHOW LIKE THE COLBERT REPORT? The writers would meet in the morning and pitch stories. The execu- tive producers and Stephen would meet around 1 p.m., read aloud and rehearse around 3 p.m. to see what worked. Then we’d rewrite and tape around 5 or 6 p.m. REPORT: lenn Eichler is used to people telling him that his work helps keep them sane. It’s an unusual compliment considering he’s not a therapist, but the Montclair resident knows that the sentiment is real. As a comedy writer for The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, it’s his job to make viewers laugh, allowing them to decompress and let off steam after a day of crazy-making headlines. Eichler, who was born in the Bronx, began sharing his humorous take on events as a child, distributing his self-produced newspaper, the Wykagyl Wombat, in his New Rochelle neigh- borhood. “I was 12 or 13, and my dad would xerox four pages for me, so the printing costs were low,” he says. “There was no actual news in it, just jokes.” At Syracuse University, he majored in American Literature and read “a lot of well-written stuff.” A post-graduation job at a trade maga- zine, Meeting News, gave him “a lesson in what I didn’t want to do,” he says. “I saw humor in it, but my bosses didn’t.” As managing editor of National Lampoon, the good news was that he was expected to be funny; the bad news was that the magazine was “in its death throes,” he says. But MTV had just started, they were looking for writ- ers, and an enduring career in writing for television was launched. We talked to Eichler, who has also authored three humor books, about being funny on deadline, writing jokes about the federal reserve and the non- stop source material coming out of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.