sk educators about the
questions parents pose most
often, and a common response
is “How can I get my child off
the phone so he’ll do his
homework?” The popularity
of the film Screenagers, which has been
viewed and debated at countless public and
private schools nationwide, shows the extent
of parents’ concerns, and a growing body of
academic research backs them up.
It’s easy to understand why. For kids, social media is a
lifeline to the world beyond their walls, a way of staying
connected to the friends and interests that define them. To
their parents, screen time can be a distraction that shortens
attention spans and makes it harder to focus. But there’s one
thing everyone can agree on: Social media is here to stay.
And just like every other invention, it can benefit or detract
from our lives, depending on how it’s used. According to the
counselors and psychologists we spoke to, it’s never too late
– or too early – to foster habits that help kids avoid the
pitfalls, and even enjoy the benefits, of social media.