Montana Woods N Water May 2016 Print Edition | Page 15


Hardships Build Character by Pastor Jim Sinclair

Nobody wants to struggle , Nobody wants any hardships , I get it , but life is full of them , struggling is not fun . We must remember that hardship is the crucible of “ Character ”, without hardship our character is never honed .
I recently watched an incredible woman stand by her husband for months as he was passing . Hundreds of trips up and down stairs for months , constant responsibility of administering medications , everyday a struggle and hardship , sleepless nights , stressful days , 61 years of a companionship will drive that kind of love and dedication .
I was amazed at the relentless pursuit of caring . In today ’ s world many out there want a free lunch , no struggles no hardships ... just EASY living . We want to love as long as we don ’ t have to work at it which reminds me of this story .
A young man ’ s fiancé had broken off their engagement . But a couple of months passed , and she wrote .
Dearest Johnny , No words could ever express the great unhappiness I ’ ve felt since breaking our engagement . Please say you will take me back . No one could ever take your place in my heart , so please forgive me . I love you , I love you , I love you !
Yours forever , Marie . P . S .: And congratulations on winning the state lottery .
I have a hard time believing that her words of love ring true . She SAID she loved him . She SAID she wanted him back but it was fairly obvious it wasn ’ t him she really wanted . She was willing to love him because he had lots of money . But once the money was gone – so would she . For her – to live was the lottery . For her – to live was the value of his wealth and the freedom that would bring to her .
But she didn ’ t really love and she didn ’ t really want to live for him . Her love was a “ fair-weather ” love ... no struggles , no hardships .
In other words , as long as the weather was fair and pleasant , she ’ d be faithful . All too often , Believers can respond to God in the same way . As long as God does what we ask … as long as He answers our prayers the way we want them answered and as long as life goes exactly the way we believe it ought to , then we ’ ll live for Him , but if not … I ’ m gone .
God ’ s crucible is one of character building , God understands the “ virtue is in the struggle and hardship of life .” That ’ s ’ where we learn to depend on him and trust him .
This wife of 61 years has poured into me for the last two years the meaning of hardship and struggle , her commitment to honor relationship has proven one thing to me , “ This was not a Lottery Love ”. So here is our challenge , How will we process the hardships and struggles in our world ?
Solomon said it this way in , Ecclesiastes 7:13-14
13 Accept the way God does things , for who can straighten what he has made crooked ? 14 Enjoy prosperity while you can , but when HARD TIMES strike , realize that both come from God . Remember that nothing is certain in this life . ( NLTse )
Keep livin the life Pastor Jim . A tribute to Sister Doris Reich . 13