Montana Woods N Water June 2016 Print Edition | Page 30
A Patient Father
By Carol Cady
My Dad and I just a few years ago!
With Father’s Day fast approaching, I can’t
help but think of my Dad and the
wonderful times we experienced in the
woods together. He has been gone a long
time, but for me, you never forget those
Father-Daughter times spent together.
He taught me probably most of what I
know today, how to shoot, gun safety, survival skills and on and on.
Remembering one time in particular, we were hunting the McGinnis Meadows area and he
sent me off in one direction and he went in the opposite direction saying “Now you can’t
get lost, this is all pretty flat with no ridges, just circle around and I will meet you back here
at the truck.” So, with a little hesitation I trekked out in the direction he said. It was very
lightly snowing with just a skiff covering the ground, you could still see the grass poking
through. I was probably only 12 or 13 years old mind you, so you readers don’t judge me
too harshly! After about 30 minutes I heard the loudest crashing and banging imaginable.
I forgot to mention this was a really thick stand of lodgepole. It didn’t seem to let up and I
could hear that the noise was coming directly at me. So, I did what any smart-minded
person would do...I found a larger tree (than a lodgepole) and
crouched down and hid! Just in time too, as a big Bull Elk came
roaring past me. I was stunned to say the least, even, after all these
years you never forget! He was so close…I could have stuck out my
rifle and tripped him and of course the “musky smell” hung in the
air!! My father probably spooked him as that was the direction he
had came from.
I continued to hunt but was wondering what on earth was I going to
tell Dad...that I had hid from a Bull Elk? So, after a couple of hours
we met up back at the vehicle and I cautiously began to tell him what
had happened. He laughed and said….”You will see tracks, smell
them, catch a glimpse of them and some day everything will come
together and you will get your chance and connect!” This patient
man was the best Father a girl could have. I was lucky and I know it!
You are missed to this day Dad!
My Dad: Bob Wilson