Montana Woods N Water June 2016 Print Edition | Page 24

OUTDOOR MEDS ARE YOU PREPARED FOR A TOOTHACHE ON THE TRAIL? By Paula Snyder RDH While on the hiking trail or at hunting camp we prepare and supply our packs for those medical emergencies that can occur, but do we think of dental problems that can arise? Here is a simple kit you can carry for those dental emergencies. Resealable sandwich bag, used RX pill bottle, small tube of denture adhesive, gauze, salt packets, floss, sugar free gum (long sticks), Q -tips, Acetaminophen( Tylenol), Ibuprofen ( Advil) and your dentist's phone number. Place all items in the sandwich bag. If you are going to a remote area for any length of time see your dentist before going to get work done that could cause a problem on your trip. Dental problems and what to use from your dental kit. Toothache or Gum Problems: Floss any debris out. Tie a knot on one end of the floss. Pull the knot from the tongue side out towards your cheek helps dislodge debris. Rinse vigorously with a few salt packets dissolved in water. A combination of Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen can help mouth discomfort. For moderate pain take 400 mg Ibuprofen with 500 mg Acetaminophen every four hours. This regimen is not meant to be used for chronic discomfort. Always ask your doctor if you are able to take these medications. Never place any pain reliever directly on oral tissues as this will cause a very painful burn. Lost Filling or Broken Tooth: If tooth is sensitive mold a piece of gum to cover the area. You may need to reapply as needed. Cap(crown) comes off: If any remaining tooth structure is inside the cap place in pill bottle. Cover tooth if sensitive with gum. If no tooth remnants are seen place a very small amount of denture adhesive inside the cap. Your signal mirror you h