Montana Woods N Water August 2016 Print Edition | Page 12


Beware the Green Decoys By Judy Woolley

As sportsmen and hunters , what comes to mind when we think of decoys ? Big , plastic geese ? Small , wooden ducks ? Trophy-size bull elk and buck deer that Fish & Game has used to catch unscrupulous , after-hours hunters ? Sure , there are more kinds but allow me to write about another type of decoy – the Green Decoy .
Liberal progressives have perfected a means of fooling a lot of people by infiltrating various sportsmen ’ s and angler ’ s groups ; and the media then uses the quotes coming from these groups as solid , “ reasonable ” statements as if they represent hunters ’ and anglers ’ views .
For example , have you ever heard of the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership ? Doesn ’ t that have a nice ring to it ? We all know Teddy loved hunting and the outdoors . Well , this is a group that is heavily funded by Chicago-based Joyce Foundation which has spent millions on anti-gun , anti-energy and pro-labor union policies . President Obama used to serve on its board . Additionally , labor bosses gave TRCP $ 1.2 million to “ lure gun owning union members away from the National Rifle Association ”.
Then there ’ s the Izaak Walton League which was started in 1922 by 54 anglers . In more recent years , the League has taken millions of dollars to promote anti-gun causes ; and it supports limited world population numbers , amongst other non-fishing issues such as attacking coal power plants in the United States , and promoting alternative “ clean ” energy while pushing for a trading system of renewable energy credits . They received over $ 4 million from San Francisco-based Energy Foundation for a variety of anti-coal , pro-wind energy campaigns in the Midwest .
Doesn ’ t the name Backcountry Hunters and Anglers sound like an organization many of us could join with a clean conscience ? Think again . The executive director is a man named Land Tawney who has helped raise and spend over a million dollars to help defeat Denny Rehberg in his last run for office while he publically supported the re-election of Obama . His group claims to represent hunters but gets most of its funding from three liberal foundations and he supports massive federal land grabs .
Trout Unlimited . We ’ ve all heard about that organization , right ? Isn ’ t it wonderful that fly fishermen were committed to preserving American ’ s trout streams and keeping the trout population healthy ? Yeah , well , that ’ s not their focus today .
As with many of the Green Decoy organizations , TU has morphed into a radical environmentalist movement with campaigns against energy production , even opposing the Keystone XL pipeline . Money has poured in from foundations headed by familiar names – Ted Turner , ( Teresa ) Heinz , and others . Its leadership is liberal and its president , Christopher Wood , was a member of Obama ’ s 2008 Transition Team . There ’ s more information available at GreenDecoys . com if you can stomach it . It is incumbent that we outdoor sportsmen know what ’ s what in the world of these old or pleasantsounding organizations . Please research an organization before becoming a member , delve more deeply in their current causes and board members if you are considering a membership . Be cautious who you support as many organizations have done a 180 on their causes and are out to destroy our very way of life and choice of recreation .