MoneyMaths-1123 | Page 5

NFTs : Non-Fungible Tokens
Non-fungible means ‘ not
interchangeable ’. You can ’ t swap
them like you might one £ 20 note
for two £ 10 notes . It ’ s a bit sneaky
to slip this one in here as NFTs
aren ’ t really ‘ money ’ – they ’ re an
‘ asset ’ you invest in , just the way
you might invest in a painting . But
unlike physical paintings , NFTs
are unique digital assets such as a
piece of art , music , or video where
the buyer ’ s ownership is recorded
in a blockchain .
In 2021 , for example , ‘ Nyan Cat ’, an animated cat with a Pop-Tart body , sold for almost US $ 600,000 . Now , anyone can share a cat meme , but only the buyer OWNS it . And one day they might be able to sell it for even more money than they purchased it for .
Social currency
If you ’ ve got ‘ social currency ’, it
means that you ’ ve got influence . It
might be because you ’ re a trusted
expert like Sir David Attenborough ,
a reputable public figure like
Michelle Obama , a TikTok star with
a huge following , or a well-loved politician ( stop it , they do exist ).
governments ! But a lot of people rely on cash . According to the World Bank , there are 1.4 billion people in the world without a bank
Social currency isn ’ t strictly ‘ money ’
account . They ’ re mostly female and
but it can help you make some and
often poorer and living in hard-to-
it can set you up for success . Some
reach rural areas . Some say going
types of influence are fragile – you
cashless means leaving these
could be a star today and old news
people behind . Others say we
tomorrow . But some types last
need to do the work to get there ,
longer and get stronger over time –
because going cashless makes
like the influence that comes from
everything smoother , easier , and
being knowledgeable and trusted .
will bring down violent crime too .
Time to whip out that crystal
NFTs can be digital representations of actual physical things too , making them easier to trade . As long as you ’ ve got a digital wallet and some crypto handy ( because that ’ s usually the only way to buy them ). But a word of warning : NFTs depend on a blockchain , so they also use up a lot of energy and come with the same environmental issues as cryptocurrencies .
MoneY toMorrOw
What will the future of money
look like ? Some people think we ’ re
headed towards a ‘ cashless society ’
– one without any physical notes
and coins . They say cash is on its
way out . A relic of the past . Some
countries have set up ( or are setting
up ) their own digital currencies
too ( not to be confused with
cryptocurrencies !). These are issued
by central banks and backed by
ball . What do YOU think ? What ’ s the future of money ? Why not write to us at the address on the AQUILAnauts ’ page of the AQUILA website , and tell us what you think . We ’ ll share as many of your responses as we can .
Turn to page 28 to be in with a chance of winning Rashmi Sirdeshpande ’ s book Think like a Boss . You ’ ll be glad you did !
Words : Rashmi Sirdeshpande . Illustration : Emily Stone