MoneyMaths-1123 | Page 24

1 Print out the balloon dog template or copy the shape onto scrap paper . A4 is just the right size . Top tip – draw the feet at the bottom edge . It ’ s straight , so you know your dog will stand up when made .
2 Cut out your template and trace around it two times . Cut both out .
3 Cut some long strips of thin cardboard . They should be about 6 cm wide and as long as you can make them . Wrap the strips around a pencil to soften them and make them bendy . Masking tape the strips in place from the inside to secure it to one of the balloon dog pieces . Repeat until the whole piece is attached all the way around .
4 Using more masking tape , secure the outside edges all the way around . Press the tape gently but with a little pressure to attach .
5 Take the other piece of balloon dog card and repeat step four .
6 When the edges are covered and secured with tape , mix up your papier mâché sticky solution , using either wallpaper paste or equal parts PVA glue and water .
7 Dip small pieces of scrap or newspaper into the solution and use a brush or your fingers to papier mâché over the entire dog . Take care to manipulate the pieces into the curves and edges of the 3D shape . When it ’ s completely covered , use a brush or your fingers to smooth out any lumps or air bubbles . Leave to dry overnight .
8 When it ’ s completely dry , paint with acrylic paint of your choice . Leave your pup to dry . You may need a couple of coats to cover the newspaper or you can leave it with some of the print showing through the layers .
9 When you ’ ve finished painting and it ’ s completely dry , ask an adult to use a scalpel or similar to cut a slot at the top of the balloon dog – big enough for £ 2 as that ’ s the largest coin !
10 Draw a circular hole under the tail with a pencil . It should be bigger than a £ 2 coin or similar , then ask a grown up to cut it out carefully with the scalpel . Take a spare piece of card , make a hatch for the opening and fix it in place with a split

1 Print out the balloon dog template or copy the shape onto scrap paper . A4 is just the right size . Top tip – draw the feet at the bottom edge . It ’ s straight , so you know your dog will stand up when made .

1a 1b 2
Have you heard of an American artist named Jeff Koons ? You might have seen pictures of his huge , super-shiny balloon dog sculptures in books and magazines . Jeff ’ s work is all about popular culture and mass-produced objects ( things that are made in large numbers and sold around the world ). One of Jeff ’ s balloon dogs fetched $ 54.4 million in 2013 , a record price for a piece of work by a living sculptor !
That ’ s a howl lot of pocket money ! Ed
LOLZ ! I see what you did there ! You probably don ’ t have that kind of cash hiding down the back of the sofa , but if you want to save up for one of Jeff ’ s pieces , you can make our balloon dog money box for next to nothing . It won ’ t hold $ 54.4 million , but it ’ s a bona fide start !

2 Cut out your template and trace around it two times . Cut both out .

3 Cut some long strips of thin cardboard . They should be about 6 cm wide and as long as you can make them . Wrap the strips around a pencil to soften them and make them bendy . Masking tape the strips in place from the inside to secure it to one of the balloon dog pieces . Repeat until the whole piece is attached all the way around .

Top tip – pre-cut some masking tape strips for ease .

4 Using more masking tape , secure the outside edges all the way around . Press the tape gently but with a little pressure to attach .

5 Take the other piece of balloon dog card and repeat step four .

6 When the edges are covered and secured with tape , mix up your papier mâché sticky solution , using either wallpaper paste or equal parts PVA glue and water .

– A helpful adult
– Template ( available to download from the AQUILA website )
– Cereal box card – Pencil – Scissors – Masking tape – Newspaper or wastepaper – Wallpaper paste or PVA glue – Acrylic paint – Paintbrush
– Scalpel or craft knife ( careful now )
– Split pin

7 Dip small pieces of scrap or newspaper into the solution and use a brush or your fingers to papier mâché over the entire dog . Take care to manipulate the pieces into the curves and edges of the 3D shape . When it ’ s completely covered , use a brush or your fingers to smooth out any lumps or air bubbles . Leave to dry overnight .

8 When it ’ s completely dry , paint with acrylic paint of your choice . Leave your pup to dry . You may need a couple of coats to cover the newspaper or you can leave it with some of the print showing through the layers .

9 When you ’ ve finished painting and it ’ s completely dry , ask an adult to use a scalpel or similar to cut a slot at the top of the balloon dog – big enough for £ 2 as that ’ s the largest coin !

10 Draw a circular hole under the tail with a pencil . It should be bigger than a £ 2 coin or similar , then ask a grown up to cut it out carefully with the scalpel . Take a spare piece of card , make a hatch for the opening and fix it in place with a split