MoneyMaths-1123 | Page 22

The Scenario
It ’ s the National Consortium of Tooth Fairies ( NCTF )’ s annual general meeting tomorrow . As a lowly apprentice tooth fairy , you were looking forward to kicking back and enjoying the sugarfree snacks . But calamity of calamities ! Your boss has had an unfortunate flying accident . Glass doors , am I right ?! You find yourself unexpectedly promoted to big cheese , AKA Chief Executive Officer for the UK . That ’ s right – the NCTF UK CEO just in time for the AGM ! Use the facts and puzzles on this page to gather the information you need for your speech . They want the whole tooth , and nothing but the tooth !
To prepare for your speech you will need the following information :
1 Comparisons for tooth prices across the UK
2 Annual projected profits for 2023
3 One idea for saving money on teeth
4 One innovative ( and ethical ) idea for an exciting new NCTF revenue stream
Well , what are you waiting for ? This report isn ’ t going to write itself !
LosSes And liabIlitIes
Averaging it out
Tooth fairies pay different amounts depending on where a human lives . The average amount left by the tooth fairy in a North American home is $ 6.23 ( around £ 4.90 ). The average payment in a British home is £ 1.90 – that ’ s a whole £ 3 less !
Task one
There are around 12 million children in the UK . As we know , the average price paid for a tooth is £ 1.90 . So how much does the NCTF pay ?
If each child loses one tooth a year ?
A £ 20.2m B £ 21.5m C £ 22.8m
What about if all children lose all 20 milk teeth in a year ? ( Gulp ! Ed )
A £ 456m B £ 512m C £ 580m
MilKing it
A human ’ s first set of teeth start developing even before they ’ re born . But they don ’ t show until about six months . By the time a person is three , they ’ ve got a full set of 20 . Milk teeth are also called deciduous teeth ( like autumn leaves ? Ed ). Yep , because they fall out , usually from the age of five or six . The last milk tooth is usually gone by the time a person is 12 .
HigHs aNd lOws
Within the UK there ’ s a difference in tooth price . If you ’ re a Newcastle-based tooth fairy , expect to pay 90p per tooth , but if you ’ re in Kensington , London , it ’ s a whopping £ 5 per peggyweg ! Daylight robbery if you ask me !
Task two
Calculate how much it costs the NCTF for all 20 teeth in these three English counties , given the following rate per individual tooth :
Norfolk : £ 1.60 Cumbria : £ 1.20 Sussex : £ 2.00